Friday, November 7, 2008

First Dogs

The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel delves into an important decision that Barack Obama will have to make as the next president.

He will choose a puppy.

Jackie Loohauis-Bennett writes:

A select group of White House residents have become legendary: Fala; Checkers; Mildred Kerr Bush, a.k.a. "Millie."

They were all first dogs. And now President-elect Barack Obama has promised to put a new pup in the White House this spring.

Loohauis-Bennett couldn't begin to list all of the first dogs in her very brief article encouraging readers to give their suggestions for the breed and name of the puppy.

Still, I think she should have given a nod to the current first dog, the adorable Barney. He has his own page on the White House website.

Barney is a legend in his own time.


Anonymous said...

Yes, Afterall Barney did bite a reporter, and is just a dog who you are obsessed with. Don't worry you will never meet Barney to get to the white house you need to pass a psych test. You would fail

Anonymous said...

This will be a fun presidency. We can watch the Obamalings grow up and share in their many milestones! You figure they're ages ten and seven now, so we can look forward to:
The first piercings,
First knife (or broken beer bottle) fight,
The first malt liquor scandal,
The first pregnancy,
The first bout with an STD,
The second and third pregnancies,
The first physical attack on a member of the media,
Now, of course, I'm basin this list on the assumption Obama will only be in office for four years. There's lots more fun to come if he secures a second term.

Mary said...

That's really, really offensive.

I think it's terribly sleazy to attack Obama's adorable little girls.

Anonymous said...

Don't worry. Anonymous #1 couldn't even spell 'basing' correctly.

Anonymous said...

Sorry...make that Anony #2. My bad!