Saturday, November 15, 2008

Obama and Handgun Sales in Wisconsin

Due to the economic crisis, many businesses are hurting.

For example, fourth quarter profits for Starbucks dropped 97 percent.

Other businesses are booming.

Spam is flying off the shelves.

In a factory that abuts Interstate 90, two shifts of workers have been making Spam seven days a week since July, and they have been told that the relentless work schedule will continue indefinitely.

McDonald's is seeing strong sales. Its profits increased by 11 percent in the third quarter.

Some businesses, like McDonald's, are "recession resistant."

Gun sales also appear to be resistant to the impact of economic woes.

Thanks to the election of Barack Obama, gun sales are up, way up.

From the Los Angeles Times:

A week after the election of the nation's first black president, gun buyers across the country are flocking to gun stores to stock up on assault rifles, handguns and ammunition.

Some say they are worried that the incoming administration of President-elect Barack Obama will attempt to re- impose the ban on assault weapons that expired in 2004. Others fear the loss of their right to own handguns. A few say they are preparing to protect themselves in the event of a race war.

But whatever the reason, gun dealers in red and blue states alike say they've never seen anything like the run on weaponry they've been experiencing since election day, surpassing the days after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.

Blue state Wisconsin is no different.

From the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel:

Handgun purchases in Wisconsin skyrocketed 82% in the days before and after Barack Obama's election as president compared with the same 13 days in November last year, figures on state background checks show.

Most of the early November background checks took place after the Nov. 4 presidential election, a sign that gun owners anticipate new restrictions with Democrats taking control of the federal government.

Calls for background checks that are required for the purchase of handguns have flooded the state agency. In the first 13 days of the month, 2,642 background checks were requested. During the same 13 days last November, 1,453 background checks were performed, state Justice Department spokesman Bill Cosh said.

Tom Smith of Eagle said Friday that he purchased two handguns, a .22-caliber snub nose and a .45-caliber semiautomatic, in the days before the election when it became clear Obama would win.

"I bought them because I was afraid they were going to be outlawed . . . ," said Smith, who was at the McMiller Sports Center shooting range near Eagle in western Waukesha County.

Gun owners also are worried that Obama might push for tax increases on ammunition and gun accessories, what they described as a back-door way to bring about gun control.

"I went out and stocked up on ammo. I bought 20 cases of rifle ammunition," Kyle Troeger of Muskego said.

Jeremy Stamp of Crystal Lake, Ill., who was getting in some target practice with a handgun at McMiller's on Friday, said he has spent $1,500 recently to stock up on ammunition and shooting supplies that he said "are probably going to be made illegal."

Wisconsin gun sellers are reaping rewards from the urgency buyers are feeling.

Sean Eaton, owner of Fletcher Arms in Waukesha, said he is experiencing a 30% to 40% increase in handgun sales. The rush started in the days before the election and it has not slowed down, he said.

Eaton calls President-elect Barack Obama and Vice President-elect Joe Biden the "most anti-gun people ever to be in the White House."

...Katherine Boldt of Mukwonago said she and her husband started researching handguns the day after the election, visited a couple of stores and purchased one Thursday night.

"We are not hunters, and this is our first gun purchase. We do not fear for our safety but rather wanted to make sure we took advantage of our right to bear arms, before the possibility of that right being taken away from us," she said in an e-mail.

An 82 percent increase in handgun purchases in Wisconsin is incredible. I guess you could say that Barack Obama knows how to stimulate the economy.

Because people fear that Obama will infringe on their right to bear arms, people are flocking to gun shops.

People like Katherine Boldt have decided to buy a gun for the first time, all because Obama won the election.

Yes, Obama is definitely responsible for putting more guns in the hands of Americans in a short period of time. It's been like a landslide.

Obama hasn't been sworn in as president yet and he's already accomplishing things, changing the country.

Way to go.


Anonymous said...

It is not Obama that is causing the increase in sales, and your blaming him shows absolute stupidity. It is the ignorance and stupidity of a few who are expecting a so called race war, that have gone around purchasing handguns. Congrats on being so dumb.

Anonymous said...

24% of Texans believe Obama a Muslim. 52% of all McCain voters have the same opinion.

With all the education available in this country for people to have this opinion shows something. Maybe it's racism and maybe it's not but the availability of information astounding as relates to what people believe.

Mary said...

"Jim from Ohio"--

Totally off topic.

I don't know a single voter for McCain who believes he's a Muslim. Obama is a Christian.


Read the articles. Call the journalists who filed the reports stupid and dumb.

The LA Times piece mentions that "a few" were concerned about a "race war." The JS piece says absolutely nothing about something like that happening.

People are responding to Obama's election by buying guns. It's a consequence of his victory. People are concerned about their 2nd Amendment rights. That's the way it is.

Similarly, people are adjusting their portfolios because they're concerned about Obama's promised tax hikes. Investors are getting out of the market.

What's especially interesting on the gun issue is that Obama promised to support the rights of gun owners. Obviously, people don't trust him.

Anonymous said...

Now that the anti-science, superstition-based initiative presidency is coming to an end, we need several public works science Manhattan projects to make us great again and boost us out of this Grotesque Depression. First we must provide free advertising-based wireless internet to everyone. Then we must criscross the land with high speed rail. We must develop microorganisms that may be freely distributed like bread yeast and become commonplace to improve our future. Because bovine flatulence is the major source of greenhouse gases, we must develop microorganisms which can be grow in the home that will provide all of our nutrition. Then we must create microorganisms which turn our sewage and waste into fuel. Since paranoid schizophrenia is the cause of racism, bigotry, homelessness, terrorism, ignorance, exploitation and criminality, we must provide put the appropriate medications, like lithium, in the water supply. We must require dangerous wingnuts who refuse free mental health care to be implanted with drug release devices and microorganisms. Osama bin Laden and Timothy McVeigh were the ultimate superstition based initiatives. We should encourage international organizations to do likewise. In order to fund this we must nationalize the entire financial, electrical and transportation system and abolish the silly feudal notion that each industry should be regulated by its peers. Real estate and insurance, the engines of feudalism, must be brought under the Federal Reserve so we may replace all buildings with hazardous materials to provide public works. Insects, flooding and fire spread asbestos, lead and mold which prematurely disables the disadvantaged. Furthermore, as feudalism is the threat to progress everywhere, we must abolish large land holdings by farmers, foresters or religions and instead make all such large landholding part of the forest service so our trees may diminish greenhouse gases. We must abolish executive pay and make sure all employees in a company are all paid equally. We must abolish this exploitative idea of trade and make every home self sufficient through the microorganisms we invent.