Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Bill and Hillary Clinton Will Drop Ball

New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg selected Bill and Hillary Clinton to join him in Times Square on New Year's Eve.

From Reuters:

Bill and Hillary Clinton will push the ceremonial button to signal the lowering of the giant illuminated ball in New York's Times Square this New Year.

The former president and his wife -- a U.S. senator from New York and President-elect Barack Obama's choice for Secretary of State -- will join New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg in this year's festivities, event organizers said in a statement on Tuesday.

They will push a button at 11:59 p.m. on Wednesday night, starting the 60-second countdown that is part of the annual celebration in New York City's signature square.

Bill can't be too happy about this.

Don't you think he had other plans for New Year's Eve?

This does work out well for Hillary. Bill will be there to kiss Hillary at midnight and the image will be televised around the world. All eyes will be on the Clintons.

Bloomberg is thrilled to be with Bill and Hillary.

"I can't think of anyone I would rather stand at the crossroads of the world at the beginning of this new year than Bill and Hillary Clinton," Bloomberg said. "Both together and as individuals, Senator and President Clinton have brought hope and opportunity to New York, to the nation, and to the world."

Bill and Hillary are "Mr. and Mrs. Hope and Opportunity"?

What will Barack Obama be doing when the ball drops? Eating Spam and dodging photographers and whining about his lack of privacy?

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