Thursday, December 4, 2008

Dan Barker: Jesus is a Dictator

Listen to atheist Dan Barker discuss the Freedom From Religion Foundation's "holiday" display in the state Capitol at Olympia, Washington.

He has some extremely harsh words for Christians.

DAN BARKER: We atheists and agnostics love this time of year -- the food, the family, the fun, the music, the fellowship. It's a natural season that belongs to all of us, not just to Christians. Christians came along and basically stole this time of year, pretending that the evergreen... The pagan celebrations long before Christianity had the evergreen and the gifts and the love and the family, so December does not belong just to Christians.

We... millions of good Americans who do not believe in a god, we don't believe in a god, and yet we do believe in human values. And we see the nativity scene as a direct attack on good human values and we would like our place at the table as well.

BARKER: This time of year is the Winter Solstice. It's a natural season that Christians basically stole this season from us human beings by using the hate speech of the nativity scene which, which damns all of us to hell if we don't bow down before that little baby who became the dictator. What a horrible insult to what it means to be a human being! We all love this time of year.

The nativity scene is hate speech?

Baby Jesus became a dictator?


Barker seems to be making a distinction between Christians and "us human beings," as if Christians are inhuman. Not very nice.

I also think it's strange that Barker is disturbed about the nativity scene supposedly suggesting that he's being "damned to hell." How in the world can he be damned to something that he's certain doesn't exist?

No one is claiming that December belongs only to Christians. That's nuts.

Bottom line: Barker's agenda is not to get "equal time." He, as the co-president of the Freedom From Religion Foundation, is a purveyor of hate speech, pure and simple.

Actually, I don't think Barker loves this time of year at all. He seems miserable.

Merry Christmas, Mr. Barker. And may God bless you and send you a Happy New Year!

(h/t Power Line Forum)

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