Tuesday, December 30, 2008

PCC Technology Group and the Madison Skyline

$1 million dollars and we get the skyline of Minneapolis?

From the Chicago Tribune:

A new Web site for campaign finance information in Wisconsin includes the state Capitol in Madison in front of a striking skyline — of Minneapolis.

State Sen. Jeff Plale noticed the geography gaffe after looking at the site created by the Government Accountability Board.

"I'm looking at that thinking, 'What the heck?'" the South Milwaukee Democrat said. "I don't think a lot of Minnesota legislators care about our Government Accountability Board."

The board said it's paying Bloomfield, Conn.-based PCC Technology Group about $1 million to develop the site as part of a new system for tracking campaign fund raising and spending.

Ethics specialist Tommy Winkler said PCC was using the image of the Minneapolis skyline as a placeholder while it searches for a copyright-free image of Madison's skyline.

Ethics division director Jonathan Becker joked the skyline was a "fanciful picture of what Madison may look like someday." He said he'll ask the vendor to promptly update the picture.

"It's nice, though, isn't it?" Becker said. "It looks like a nice place to live."

Good grief.

Madison is no Minneapolis. Why not at least use something from Wisconsin? Milwaukee's skyline would have served as a better placeholder during PCC's search.

For $1 million PCC should create its own image of Madison's skyline.

No skyline is better than the wrong one.

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