Wednesday, January 14, 2009

GLAAD and Greg Gutfeld

GLAAD, the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation, has put out its list of the worst anti-gay voices of 2008.

Greg Gutfeld was cited as one of the worst.

FOX News Channel's late-night show Red Eye continued to feature sophomoric jabs at LGBT people. On May 20, host Greg Gutfeld and his guests grossly misrepresented serious medical concerns faced by transgender youth and laughed as one of his guests referred to transition as "turning a hole into a pole." Then Gutfeld criticized Ellen DeGeneres for announcing her upcoming wedding, saying Ellen should "shut the hell up about it." In his September 17 blog, Gutfeld ranted about diplomats saying, "These bloated bureaucrats would learn more in two days ducking for cover in Liberia, than two weeks trying to pick up transvestite hookers in Times Square."

Gutfeld has reacted to the recognition from GLAAD with his usual brand of humor and insight.
And so for giving that award to Greg, GLAAD wins the first ever GLAGG (GAYS AND LESBIANS AGAINST GREG GUTFELD) trophy, for - among other things - being against me.

And not in a good way.

“When I went through their list of anti-gay voices,” says Gutfeld, “I noticed who was missing: Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, a man who advocates proactive persecution of gays. Also missing - Islamic fundamentalists in general, who preach death for gays, lesbians, and anyone who masturbates on a holy day. GLAAD didn’t even have the balls to list certain religious minorities who voted for Prop 8 - or Scientologists who think you can deprogram homosexuality!

“Apparently, GLAAD only speaks truth to power if the ‘power’ is harmless.”

Hence, the intolerant, anti-Greg sentiment.

GLAGG repeatedly called GLAAD’s offices for a response.

“Wow, Greg is right - we are cowards,” says GLAAD President Neil G. Giuliano, if he happened to answer the phone calls. “After issuing a major press release regarding the list, we ran scared. But why be surprised? We prefer safe targets like Greg - and are too scared to confront real homophobia. The fact that we call Gutfeld anti-gay simply because we disagree with his politics makes us guilty of intolerance too. Worse, we’re boring. I mean, the whole list was made up of conservatives! And a Proposition - which can’t even fight back!”

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