Saturday, January 31, 2009

Obama Ignores Suffering Americans

Where's Barack Obama?

Nearly 1 million Americans are suffering, still without power after being hit by crippling storms.

So why isn't Barack Obama coming to their aid?

Why isn't he personally touring the devastated areas?

I guess he's busy preparing for his "bipartisan" Super Bowl party, and readying himself for his Super Bowl pre-game LIVE interview from the White House with Matt Lauer.

MURRAY, Ky. (AP) -- Utility crews renewed work in subfreezing temperatures Saturday in their effort to put the power back on for nearly a million customers left in the dark by an ice storm that crippled parts of several states this week.
Thousands of people in ice-caked Kentucky awoke in motels and shelters, asked to leave their homes by authorities who said emergency teams in some areas were too strapped to reach everyone in need of food, water and warmth.

A 20-degree temperature boost was forecast across much of the region, a boon to the power crews but one that carried with it the threat of flooding.

Dozens of deaths have been reported and many people are pleading for a faster response to the power outages. About 536,000 homes and businesses across Kentucky were without power, down from more than 600,000 the largest outage in state history, surpassing the damage last year from the remnants of Hurricane Ike.

The outages disabled water systems in much of the western part of the state, where some in rural areas resorted to dipping buckets in a creek. Authorities warned it could be days or weeks before power was restored in the most remote spots.

That uncertainty had many appealing for help. Officials issued curfews Friday and urged those in dark homes to leave.

"We're asking people to pack a suitcase and head south and find a motel if they have the means, because we can't service everybody in our shelter," said Crittenden County Judge-Executive Fred Brown, who oversees about 9,000 people, many of whom spent a fifth night sleeping in the town's elementary school.

Local officials grew angrier at what they said was a lack of help from the state and the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

Where's Obama? FEMA is screwing up -- AGAIN.

Where's Oprah? Why isn't she touring the damage and crying with the people? Why isn't Oprah outraged that the Obama administration isn't doing more?

Why aren't all the network anchors doing live reports from the storm ravaged areas?

In Kentucky's Grayson County, about 80 miles southwest of Louisville, Emergency Management Director Randell Smith said the 25 National Guardsmen who have responded have no chain saws to clear fallen trees. He said roads are littered with fallen trees and people shivering in bone-chilling cold are in need.

"We've got people out in some areas we haven't even visited yet," Smith said. "We don't even know that they're alive."

Smith said FEMA was still a no-show days after the storm.

"I'm not saying we can't handle it," Smith said. "We're handling it. But it sure would have made life a lot easier."

This is the first natural disaster of the Obama administration and it's being mishandled. This is a major screw-up.

Obama is partying and cranking the heat up in the Oval Office to 80 degrees, while nearly 1 million Americans have no heat at all.

Obviously, Obama doesn't care about these Americans, right?


Anonymous said...

He doesn't have any time for the "little people."

Obama is clueless about just about everything. He talks a good game, but will never ever walk the walk. It's just the way it is.

Anonymous said...

KY has called up the entire National Guard. Where is Obama? Where is FEMA? Where?

Oh yeah. This is George Bush's fault.

Anonymous said...

The Idiocy of this article is that until the Governor declares a state of emergency and formally requests the help of FEMA there is not authority for the federal government to step in as it is a violation of the states rights and would be illegal. You know we have the Constitution, maybe you morons should read it first.

Mary said...

Don't engage in silly name-calling.

Why hasn't Obama toured the devastated areas?

Too busy having a Super Bowl party?

Cave Editor said...

TWO DAYS AFTER THIS POST AND FEMA HAS NOW DECLARED AN EMERGENCY AND WHERE IS OBAMA? Today all you hear is his BIG HURRY to get his stimulus package passed that will be still on the shoulders of generations to come. There are kids still in the cold tonight - he's a Dad, he could at least act human.

FEMA posted today (Monday) with a Sunday date upon them. Check my blog, I do ongoing updates of FEMA's daily National Situation Updates and News Releases.