Saturday, January 31, 2009

Shoe Monument Removed

The "Shoe monument" honoring Iraqi journalist Muntazer al-Zaidi, the guy who many Americans cheered for throwing his shoes at President Bush, has been removed.

BAGHDAD -- The director of an orphanage in Tikrit says she must remove the shoe sculpture set up to honor the Iraqi journalist who threw his shoes at former U.S. President George W. Bush.

Fatin al-Nassiri says Iraqi police told her the statue had to be removed because government property should not be used for something with a political bias.

She says the statue was taken down on Saturday.

A sofa-sized shoe statue was formally unveiled to the public Thursday in the hometown of the former Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein.

Baghdad-based artist Laith al-Amari described his fiberglass-and-copper work in Tikrit as a homage to the pride of the Iraqi people.

This is a sad, sad day for all those President Bush haters.


Anonymous said...

if the Iraqis use their democracy similarly to Americans, then they will re-construct the shoe sculpture after U.S. forces leave and make it twice as big as the first one

Anonymous said...

isnt it great that they have the freedom to do this with out fear of being executed?? hmmmm, doesnt the warm embrace of democracy feel nice??

Anonymous said...

Bush hater, glad its gone, it didn't belong on government property, if she wants it at her house thats fine, free speech for all including idiots like mary includes the Iraqis.

Where is my thank you mary for serving in Iraq?

Mary said...

I don't thank "anonymous" commenters for allegedly serving in Iraq.

E-mail me your full name and information so I can verify that you are a vet.

Then I'll be glad to express my thanks.

In fact, I'd like to interview you. E-mail me!

Anonymous said...

Ill thank you soldier. Good work.

Do NOT accept Mary's offer for an interview. She is biased against any view that does not agree with her own, and she will bash you left and right in her posts, hate on you becuase she is such a hypocrite that people who have first hand knowledge are wrong and she knows better. She her actions on everything Bush, everything Iraq, and everything involving thought. Anything involving a brain its liberal conspiracy and she does not like it, she is incapable of thought. Do not let her interview you.