Thursday, February 12, 2009

Barack Obama and Abraham Lincoln

According to this Associated Press headline, "Obama urges Americans to follow Lincoln's example."

Do that. Follow Lincoln's example. Be a Republican.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mary, wake up and smell the coffee!

Most Republicans today would have nothing to do with President Lincoln, especially those in the South, if given the chance.

If they could get away with not carrying a penny or five dollar bill in their pockets, they would!

I remember when David Broder interviewed a delegate from Virginia to the 1984 GOP Convention, he asked: "Do you consider the GOP to be the party of Lincoln?"

Response: "Absolutely not. Lincoln was a liberal."

Face it, if Lincoln were alive today, he'd be a liberal Democrat!

Much of the GOP base is still fighting the Civil War it seems, note the Stars and Bars debates over state flags.