Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Joke of the Day

From an AP NewsAlert:

White House says Obama administration has set the highest ethics standard ever.

That's funny.


Anonymous said...

After the Bush administration, short of Obama shooting someone in the oval, or Joe Biden walking around with gold in his pockets from fort knox, it will be far more ethical than BUSH ever was, but since you are a hypocrite, you will never acknowledge the truth that many republicans did, like Alberto Gonazelz being the worst and least qualified attorney general ever.

Anonymous said...


You're not really clear on what the definition of 'ethics' is, are you?

Name for me 5 other attorney generals. No cheating. (I'm talking to a liberal, I must be in a dream world thinking you won't cheat, lie, or deceive in some way)

You drones must be really upset that things are going so badly for your chosen one.

Anonymous said...

BDS lives!

Mary said...

It's pretty sad that liberals aren't willing to hold Obama accountable.

I expect them to turn to Bush-bashing whenever their backs are against the wall.