Saturday, March 14, 2009

George Clooney-flavored Tofu and PETA

No, thank you.

From the Washington Post:

Just when we thought we'd seen it all from PETA -- the animal rights organization known for high-profile celebrity ads -- President Ingrid Newkirk has come up with this: George Clooney-flavored tofu.

In a letter sent to the actor, Newkirk said that PETA has been offered his gym towel (obtained right here in D.C.!) and wants to use his sweat to create Clooney tofu that will "spare animals from being killed for the table." She went on to explain that the science is pretty simple, like "making artificial chicken flavor for instant gravy."

Newkirk, a big fan of Clooney, told us yesterday that the towel was offered by a PETA supporter with the idea of auctioning it off, but she immediately thought of using his perspiration for bean curd: "I thought, 'What would make tofu more attractive to people?' ... I can see people having parties to try CloFu."

Clooney's not biting. "As a mammal, I'm offended," he told us yesterday through his rep.

Tofu is unappetizing.

CloFu is nauseating.


Anonymous said...

Isn't Clooney an Obama advisor?

Mary said...

Yes, and so was policy genius Scarlett Johansson. Obama makes time for his Hollywood crew.

If PETA really wanted to offer a popular tofu, it should be Obama-flavored.