Monday, March 23, 2009

NCAA and John 3:16

This takes March Madness to a new level.

A bit of intolerance was aired during the coverage of the NCAA tournament when Siena and Ohio State were playing on Sunday.

Greg Hengler posts at Townhall:

Watch the yellow sign appear in the middle of the screen at the 0:11 mark. The basketball game is Siena vs. Ohio State--Siena is a private Catholic school. This is not "tolerance."

Hengler points out that the "Nazi" label on the YouTube video is not his.

I don't know what the NCAA policy is regarding fans and signs.

The incident certainly has the look of the suppression of free speech. It seems like a case of religious intolerance.

However, if the fan violated policy, then I can understand the guard ripping the sign away. He would have been doing his job and enforcing the rules.

That said, if a policy banning signs that aren't obscene or in violation of FCC regulations is in place, I think the NCAA should reconsider its policy.

It looked un-American.

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