Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Obama Moves Teleprompter for News Conference

UPDATE: Obama didn't use his familiar teleprompters. He read from a massive TV monitor.

BRETT BAIER: He read that opening statement from one massive TV monitor in the back and middle of the East Room. White House, you'll see it here, White House officials removed the normal glass teleprompters that usually are positioned on both sides of the podium. That change likely a reaction to the focus on the President's heavy use of teleprompters.
The giant monitor wasn't a success. It still was clear that Obama was reading. I don't see how the monitor is any different from a teleprompter. He wasn't connecting with the viewers. ______________ During Barack Obama's opening statement of his March 24 news conference, he addressed the American people about the economy. The teleprompter was in front of him. So rather than looking left, right, left, right, etc., as he did at his first prime time news conference, Obama was looking straight ahead. But there was a problem with the positioning of the teleprompter. It was too low. He still was not looking directly into the camera and addressing the television audience, the American people. His eyes were directed below. Clearly, he was reading. Come on, smart guy. You can get it right, buddy! Try a little harder.

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