Monday, March 23, 2009

Obama's News Conference, March 24: Triple-Dog Dare

Barack Obama held his first prime time news conference on February 9, 2009.

It was notable for a number of reasons.

It was a train wreck. He used a teleprompter for his opening statement. When responding to questions, Obama yapped on and on, playing out the clock to reduce the number of questions he would be asked. Repeatedly, he avoided giving answers. He danced around and dodged a lot.

The news conference was also notable because Obama clearly was appealing to the lib media and Leftist wingnuts.

Bill Sammon wrote:

He seated a left-wing radio host in the coveted front row. He called on a liberal blogger from the Huffington Post. He even brought far-left columnist Helen Thomas out of the wilderness and let her ruminate about "so-called terrorists."

Clearly, President Obama was making a point of showing deference to the Left at his first prime-time press conference, which was broadcast to millions from the stately East Room of the White House on Monday.

Longtime members of the White House press corps who are accustomed to sitting in the front row of presidential press conferences were surprised to find their prime real estate occupied by Ed Schultz, a strident liberal who hosts a nationally syndicated radio program originally based in Fargo, N.D., but of late broadcasting from the Center for American Progress in Washington, D.C.

During last year's presidential campaign, Schultz warmed up the audience for Obama at a Democratic fundraiser in Fargo by denouncing Republican opponent John McCain as a "warmonger." When Obama took the podium, he thanked Schulz and called him "the voice of progressive radio," although the campaign was later pressured into distancing itself from Schultz's inflammatory remarks.

Critics also accused Schultz of carrying water for Obama during the candidate's presidential primary battle against fellow Democrat Hillary Clinton. During one TV appearance, Schultz went after Clinton's husband in order to defend Obama.

"Bill Clinton is lying about Barack Obama's record," he said. "He lied 10 years ago about Monica Lewinsky and he's lying about a very viable candidate and somebody who could really bring change to this country."

On Monday, Schultz was seated next to Thomas, who was once the doyenne of the White House press corps. During President George W. Bush's tenure, Thomas went from correspondent to columnist, thereby losing her front row perch in East Room press conferences. In her speeches, Thomas has branded Bush the "worst president in American history."

On Monday, Obama returned Thomas to the front row and made her one of 13 people given the opportunity to question him.

Given that Obama gave fringe Lefties the spotlight during his first televised prime time news conference, I think he should prove to Americans that he is as fair and balanced as he claims to be. He shouldn't give preferential treatment to the radical Leftists again. He should spread the love around.

Obama took a question from a Huffington Post lib blogger.

This time he should take a question from a conservative blogger.

He seated Lefty extremist radio squawker Ed Schultz in the front row.

This time he should give a conservative talk radio host, like Rush Limbaugh or Sean Hannity or Mark Levin, that place of honor.

This time Obama should not take a question from lib propagandist Helen Thomas. Thomas should not be seated in the front row.

Obama shouldn't wimp out. He shouldn't avoid reporters likely to ask challenging questions.

Mr. Obama, venture out of your cushy lib comfort zone and engage conservatives. Quit the displays of favoritism to your comrades, the fringe Leftists.

Triple-dog dare.


Anonymous said...

You talk about how Obama needs to be fair and balanced, yet you're the one calling everyone who doesn't agree with your distorted world view a liberal wingnut. How is putting a bigot like Rush Limbaugh on the front row going to be "fair and balanced"? Maybe you should try putting your remarks and "quotes" in context. How about getting some of your current events from non-conservative sources, or even non-US sources for that matter?

Oh, and Obama "dodged questions"? Are you friggin kidding me after 8 years of that monkey in the White House???

Mary said...

Vent, rant, whine...


You refer to President Bush as "that monkey in the White House."

Can I call Obama "that monkey in the White House"?