Sunday, March 8, 2009

Tea Party in Green Bay

Concerned taxpayers in Green Bay made their voices heard on Saturday.

Was Steve Kagen listening?

About 500 people participated in the "tea party" protest.

From WLUK:

Those at Saturday's rally said they were protesting increasing government intervention and stimulus spending.

"Obama's plans are insane and they're going to destroy our country if they keep going. There is not enough money to do this," Mary Rehberg, of Green Bay said.

"We have to, as citizens, stand up and say no we don't want anymore taxes. We want efficiency, we want to get jobs back, and we can't keep trying to spend money to create jobs," Mike Fochs, of Green Bay, said.

After the rally, protestors marched to the office of Democratic Congressman Steve Kagen. Although Kagen was not available for comment on Saturday, in the past, he has defended the new spending.

"We must act to begin to rebuild our economy, restore confidence, and secure our way of life. It allows us to transform our economy, generating millions of new jobs in the process and invests our hard-earned tax dollars right here at home," Rep. Kagen said last month.


More, from the Green Bay Press-Gazette.


Anonymous said...

Does anyone know if there was any sign of life at Dr. Millionaires office in the form of a reply to the concerns tendered by these 500 plus people who care about America, or what will be left of it after Obama and his band of pirates are through spending like drunken sailors? What is going on here is plain crazy, they have not a clue the damage they are causing nationally and globally.
You can keep the change...

Anonymous said...

Obama - "Do not fear the future..."

Is that Orwellian or what?

Anonymous said...

Lest we forget, remember the $5 trillion increase in the national debt, through the last stimulus package, 2001-2008. Lots of trickle-down from Blackwater, Hallburton, et,all from that package, along with a couple hundred-thousand dead, oh wait, "but I'm Pro-Life."

"What is going on here is plain crazy, they have not a clue the damage they are causing nationally and globally." Anony 2:18 PM, did you simply sleep through the last eight years or what?

And now we hear, under the, Foreign Corrupt Practices Act

Get real people. $587 Million should help stimulate the economy anyway.