Monday, April 6, 2009

Chris Matthews: "The United States of Obama"

Chris Matthews has really gone off the deep end. His adoration of Barack Obama is not healthy.

CHRIS MATTHEWS: America's new look. Barack Obama vowed to be a new face of America and the world likes what it sees. But can even a new exciting leader avoid the toxic inheritance of bad banking and 'anything goes' governance?

Can the United States of Obama steam past the wreckage of a sloppy ship?


This country is NOT the United States of Obama.

We are a government of laws, and not of men.

Matthews is so immersed in the Obama cult of personality that he's lost touch with reality.

How dare he call this great country the United States of Obama!

The man is sick. Seriously.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks like the tingle that went up his leg gone up to his brain & caused a short circuit