Thursday, April 16, 2009

Obama "Unaware of the Tea Parties"

This is absolutely unbelievable to me.

I can't believe that Obama could possibly be so clueless.

From Julia A. Seymour, NewsBusters:

Maybe he just doesn't know that there are people who disagree with his massive tax and spend agenda. That would explain a lot. Perhaps the network media's near silence on the "tea party" phenomenon has kept President Obama from realizing that hundreds of tax day protests will happen today?

"The White House says the president is unaware of the tea parties and will hold his own event today," ABC's Dan Harris said on "Good Morning America" on April 15.


Let that sink in.

HARRIS: The White House says the president is unaware of the tea parties and will hold his own event today. For Good Morning America, Dan Harris, ABC News.

Oh, my God.

That is insane.

Really. Are they crazy?

We're supposed to believe that Obama was unaware of the Tea Parties, completely in the dark?

How could he be so utterly out of touch?

Let's face it. He couldn't be. Lib media outlets spent the days running up to the protests discrediting them. It was all over the Internet and talk radio.

Are we supposed to buy that Obama's people don't monitor every single freaking word spoken on conservative talk radio and FOX News?

There is no way Obama didn't know what was going to be happening on April 15. No way.

That, of course, means that the White House is lying once again.

I am so sick of the Obama lies and the lib media serving as accomplices, dishing them out.

Obama hasn't changed Washington. I should rephrase that. He has changed Washington, but he hasn't changed either Washington or the country for the better.


Cyd said...

Right. Is there anything the Idiot in Chief IS aware of?

Mary said...

This is getting to be a pattern with the White House.

Total BS.