What will Obama do?
That is the question.
FOX News analysis
Washington Post analysis
I think he'll continue to do what he's been doing:
Sit out by Sasha and Malia's swing set
Eat Chris Sommers' pizza with that great cornmeal crust
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Somali Pirates: What Will Obama Do?
Posted by
4/11/2009 02:20:00 PM
Labels: Barack Obama, Pirates
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BO is actually in one of the American ships next to the pirates and the captain -he plans to deliver the bailout...err...ransom - to them personally, along with an apology and a bow....
Don't you recall the Russia-Georgia confrontation back in August '08 when "The Idiot", yes I have come to the conclusion he is an idiot, couldn't come up with anything of substance to say about it?
Unlike McCain, who I didn't like either because we'd be in all sorts of wars right now if he were president. Tell me, how did we end up with this non-choice for president in '08? Obama was Soros' and the MSM choice, but McCain as an alternative?
Getting back to Obama, he is the best thing that could have happened to conservatives and to Bush. He will far exceed Bush's disapproval rating and this is without the help of Hollyweird or the MSM. Mark my words.
rotflmao! http://rightsideofwisconsin.com/2009/04/10/president-obama-and-the-peter-principle/
AP runs cover for Obama.
Good grief.
The previous comments were Pathetic and Good Grief... Now we have the Captain rescued successfully. Sometimes, no most times, deliberate, thoughtful, planned action works much better than cowboy, shoot from the hip, gut reaction.
Gee. What did Obama do?
President Obama granted two separate requests from the Defense Department to go forward with a military operation to rescue Captain Richard Phillips, an administration official tells CNN.
Obama granted the authority to use appropriate force with the focus on saving and protecting Phillips’ life.
Another ODS myth shot to pieces.
Er...he will give the US Navy Seals the option to take them out.
Capt. Phillips is safe.
Thanks to the brave Navy SEALs and thanks to Obama for giving the order.
Obviously, we had ships in the area. We had helicopters. There was an immediate response.
This particular post gives the impression that Obama hadn't ordered the U.S. military to act. That's my failure. I wasn't clear. I was commenting on Obama refusing to make public remarks about the situation, as I've done in other posts.
Obviously, this mission was to rescue Phillips. Mission accomplished! Fantastic!
My problem with Obama was that he refused to address the matter when asked by the press.
As president, he is the "comforter in chief" during times of crisis and tragedy. I think he should have said a few words, just a few words, like "Capt. Phillips is in our prayers."
Obama needs to learn what to say and when to say it. In this matter, he failed on that count.
But that's not important. Phillips is safe. I am so thankful.
Wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait--
What you're telling me is that because Obama was busy getting the job done, rather than telling you not to be afraid of Somali pirate thugs, he failed?
We spent eight years with a president whose first response to any threat was to beat his chest on national TV, so maybe you're expectations have been ruined.
This is what I'm telling you:
My problem with Obama was that he refused to address the matter when asked by the press.
As president, he is the "comforter in chief" during times of crisis and tragedy. I think he should have said a few words, just a few words, like "Capt. Phillips is in our prayers."
Some benign acknowledgment of the ordeal.
His complete silence was odd.
It took a lot of time to evaluate the politics of any action. As time ticked away the Captain was in more and more danger. The solution to this situation was obvious and not difficult, unless one weighed the political implications of every possibility.
The way Obama handled this situation does not bode well for Afghanistan, what may well become Obama's Vietnam.
Wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait--
What you're telling me is that because Obama was busy getting the job done, rather than telling you not to be afraid of Somali pirate thugs, he failed?
He failed because he is a failure. I do not have any evidence of any of his previous "successes", maybe you do.
With regards to this incident, he was ASKED TWICE to comment on the situation by the media and he did not even acknowledge it. Sorry, but wasn't that the left's problem with Cheney and the Bush administration and their approach to the masses where they felt they did not need to give explanations? Are you saying it's OK now since Barry is in office? The only thing that royally irks me more than stupidity is hypocrisy and the left is filled with both.
Firstly, Barry was not running lead on this rescue, let's all be clear here. The spineless moron simply agreed to what he was told was going to happen. Thankfully for the Capt, the rescue was a success and no thanks to Barry. His silence was deafening on a very serious matter. The Capt was rescued despite Barry and not because of him.
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