Friday, May 15, 2009

Krauthammer: Pelosi and the CIA

Charles Krauthammer gives his take on Nancy Pelosi's collapse.

As usual, he nails it.


CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER: Her news conference today was an utter disaster. She was nervous. She was shifty. Her syntax was incomprehensible.

And there were times when she had to refer to her original statement because she couldn't remember what the current truth, her current truth was; which reminds of a line in a Graham Greene novel in which a spy says, 'I prefer to tell the truth. It's easier to memorize.'

Well, she didn't have it memorized. You had a sense that if you attached a lie detector to her in that newser, it would have short-circuited.

Look, her problem was this: She was internally contradictory. At one point, within 30 seconds, she contradicted her own statement on what she had heard from her staffer in February '03.

She was contradicted by the evidence of others, like Porter Goss.

Her charge of the CIA lying to her is utterly implausible. Why would it lie to her and tell all the others the truth? It makes no sense at all.

And it was refuted by the black and white Obama CIA memo, not a memo out of the Prince of Darkness Bush and Cheney, but Obama CIA, which showed that in the briefing in which she says that they were told none of this simulated drowning occurred, they specifically had told her about the Enhanced Interrogation Techniques that had been used on a prisoner, obviously a month earlier.

You take all of that together and what she said is utterly implausible.

And the charge that the CIA lied to her is an extremely serious one. She in now at war with the CIA. And it has the means, by leaking selectively, of destroying her. And I suspect it will do that.

When Krauthammer says that the CIA will destroy Pelosi, I take that to mean that because Pelosi said the CIA lied to her, it has no choice but to defend its integrity. As a result, Pelosi has set in motion her own destruction, sort of like Japan in World War II.


Carl Hulse, New York Times, actually reports on the Pelosi debacle as if she made sense and her account was plausible.



jimspice said...

Have you seen the supporting statements of former Senator Bob Graham?

You may recall Graham was known to carry around little spiral notebooks and took copious notes on just about everything, a habit for which he took frequent ribbing. When the CIA claimed he had been present at 5 such enhanced interrogation briefings, he had no such recollection, and a check of his notebooks also indicated no such meetings took place. Eventually, the CIA admitted their mistake on 4 of the 5.

Perhaps suggesting that the CIA plays a bit fast and loose is not so "utterly implausible" after all.

Mary said...

Have you read what Leon Panetta had to say?

"Let me be clear: It is not our policy or practice to mislead Congress," Mr. Panetta said. "That is against our laws and our values. ... Ultimately, it is up to Congress to evaluate all the evidence and reach its own conclusions about what happened."

More.Panetta repeated in his letter to CIA staff that the agency's response to congressional inquiries show that "our contemporaneous records from September 2002 indicate that CIA officers briefed truthfully on the interrogation of Abu Zubaydah, describing 'the enhanced techniques that had been employed.' Ultimately, it is up to Congress to evaluate all the evidence and reach its own conclusions about what happened."

At first, Steny Hoyerdid NOT come to Pelosi's defense.

Robert Gibbs refuses to comment. That's not a good sign for Pelosi. The White House is not supporting her. Quite spineless, though not surprising.

I can understand why you want to believe Graham.

I think there should be hearings. Let the truth come out. If the CIA is intentionally misleading Congress, as Pelosi claims, then we need to know.

Anonymous said...

Pelosi is more perfect than Christ himself. Just ask her. Only the evil Republicans sin, not the Democrats.

I watched Pelosi on Charlie Rose some time back. After watching her for some 30 minutes I was convinced that she was totally detached from reality and was significantly delusional. She seemed to be pretty far gone.