Obama is doing damage control for his Supreme Court nominee, Sonia Sotomayor.
He's backing off what some have considered Sotomayor's racist comment:
"I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn’t lived that life."
Those considering it a racist statement are correct. Those excusing it are treating her with kid gloves. She's a big girl. She's responsible for her words. She should be able to defend herself.
Obama is putting words in her mouth. No word on whether Sotomayor appreciates that.
WASHINGTON -- President Barack Obama on Friday personally sought to deflect criticism about Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor, who finds herself under intensifying scrutiny for saying in 2001 that a female Hispanic judge would often reach a better decision than a white male judge.
"I'm sure she would have restated it," Obama flatly told NBC News, without indicating how he knew that.
Obama's comment is so typical of a rich, partly white male.
He didn't indicate how he knew that this wise Latina woman, Sotomayor, would like to restate her comment.
...After three days of suggesting that reporters and critics should not dwell on one sentence from a speech, the White House had a different message Friday.
"I think if she had the speech to do all over again, I think she'd change that word," presidential spokesman Robert Gibbs told reporters.
Gibbs said he did not hear that from Sotomayor directly, but rather from people who had talked to her, and he did not identify who those people were. Sotomayor herself has made no public comments about the matter and was not available for comment.
Typical powerful, white male.
Let Sotomayor speak for herself and draw on the richness of her experiences as a Latina woman.
I want to hear her say that she chose her words poorly. I don't want it to come from rich, white males.
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She said what she said. Words mean things, except, apparently, in the Marxist lite regime of Obama. He has to craft his propaganda to meet his needs.
Too bad more people aren't paying attention to what is happening. Pretty soon we are going to be hearing a collective, "Wha' happened?"
Unless you are delusional, Sotomayer is a racist, as are all members of the treasonous La Raza -by definition- who’s motto is “For our race everything- for others, nothing”.
Clearly Eric Holder has some racial hangups and agenda too… as does Obama, since his behavior betrays a wierd pro-Kenyan grudge against the British… and he’s the one who nominated all these kooks.
What happened to the idea of a colorblind society? Team Obama define their world in racial terms all the time- and unlike any white people I know. I wouldn’t want to be judged by any of them after what I’ve heard come out of their own mouths- they sound like Jesse Jackson.
If Obama is going to go on with his “justice” agenda largely based upon race- the double standards need to stop, and NOW.
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