Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Toledo Mayor Mows Grass to Save Money

Toledo Mayor Carty Finkbeiner is helping to cut costs by personally cutting the grass in city parks.

From WNOW:

The mayor says that for the time being the city is not able to pay the workers who normally mow the grass at city parks and so he and other city directors and commissioners will cut grass on the weekends. "When we are hamstrung by a lack of revenue and we don't have as many people that do all of the city parks and keep them clean why shouldn't those of us who are blessed to have a job roll up their sleeves and get out into city parks on Saturday and Sunday," Mayor Finkbeiner said.

...Mayor Finkbeiner anticipates that the task of mowing the city's parks will be turned back over to the regular maintenance crew sometime in July.

Mayor Finkbeiner doesn't think he's violating labor contracts by having himself and other city officials mowing grass at city parks.

I wonder how Finkbeiner would like it if he were laid off and the workers who usually cut grass would volunteer to do the duties of Toledo's mayor.

That would save money. Get rid of the mayor for a few months. At least eliminate it as a paid position.

1 comment:

ReaderThinker said...

Give the guy a break -- this is a rare occassion when government is acting like a business -- when times get tough, people get laid off ond the others who remain fill in to get the job done! Or it's just acting. But it's better than some of these situation where someone can't replace their own lightbulb because of a contract!