Thursday, June 4, 2009

Conan O'Brien and Max Weinberg: Shameless Adulterous Weasel

On Wednesday, show #3, Conan O'Brien resurrected some of his bits from Late Night.

One to make its Tonight Show debut was the rant about another person that's directed at Max Weinberg, and Richie "LaBamba" Rosenberg.

Here's an example from Late Night, July 29, 2008, about John Edwards, "cowardly adulterous sleazeball."

O'Brien introduced the segment by talking about the couple from the popular reality show, Jon & Kate Plus 8. Then, he went into his rant.


CONAN O'BRIEN: You may have heard, this is the big news, that the husband, Jon, has just been accused of having an affair. Yeah, now I don't know about you, but I find that really disgusting. I really do. What kind of selfish jerk uses his status as a B-list celebrity just to cheat on his wife?

(Cut to shot of Max Weinberg)

He'd have to be... This clown would have to be a real dirtbag, the kind of narcissistic jackass who cares less about his ever-growing brood of children than he does about picking up any woman dumb enough to sleep with him.

(Cut to shot of Max Weinberg)

He probably thinks he actually deserves to be famous, too, when we all know that if he's even remembered at all it will be as a talentless, skirt-chasing sleazeball.

(Cut to shot of Max Weinberg)

I bet this creep even has some underling round up women for him, some gullible asexual schlub too naive or stupid to realize he's being exploited.

(Cut to shot of LaBamba)

Folks, if you're as revolted by this as I am, please send your words of outrage to: Shameless Adulterous Weasel c/o The-Tonight-Show-with-Conan-O'

(Cut to shot of Max Weinberg with the e-mail address at the bottom of the screen)

I was glad to see the return of this segment, as well as more involvement with the guys in the band.

Max is such a good sport. I'm sure many celebrities wouldn't want "shameless adulterous weasel" slapped under their photos. Max's other "Boss," Bruce Springsteen, comes to mind. That would be a bit awkward.

In addition, there was a second blast from the Late Night past. A popular character from Late Night made his Tonight Show debut-- the mild-mannered Pierre Bernard. A graphic designer on the show, he would appear in several capacities. He was featured in "Pierre Bernard's Recliner of Rage." I expect O'Brien to bring that back, too.

Anyway, highlighting features of the new set, Andy Richter played the part of a NBA announcer as Kareem Abdul-Jabbar made a dramatic entrance from a tunnel. To illustrate that you don't have to be an NBA legend to make an impressive entrance, Pierre Bernard was introduced. Standing between Kareem and Conan, Pierre looked tiny. It was a brief appearance. He said he had a lot of work to do, and unassumingly walked back into the tunnel.

Finally, another popular feature made its Tonight Show debut on Wednesday, "In the Year 2000."

This was a new version of the bit that began a decade ago, when 2000 was approaching and Andy Richter was still on the show. It was good to have Andy back in his familiar spot next to Conan.

The premise was the same, making predictions about the future; but now the future was the "Year 3000."

That doesn't make sense, given that predictions about Obama and Biden and GM are more than a bit off base for around 1000 years from now.

Who cares?


I liked this prediction:

O'BRIEN: YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook will merge to form one super time-wasting website called YouTwitFace.



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