Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Letterman: Top Ten Messages on Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's Answering Machine


10. What kind of dictator only gets 63% of the vote?

9. I voted for you, now where's that goat you promised me?

8. Dude, where'd you get that sweet tan windbreaker?

7. It's Kim Jong-Il. Congratulations, see you at Khaddafi's for Thursday night's Texas Hold 'Em

6. Hey Mahmoud, Hey, Mad Dog. Can the Yankees win with that bullpen?

5. Sorry, wrong number--I was looking for Maxine Ahmadinejad

4. It's Jeb Bush, those crooked voting machines arrive on time?

3. Osama here, my cable's out--Can I come over to watch "Gossip Girl"?

2. According to exit polls, soccer moms thought your beard was H-O-T hot

1. It's Dubya. Congratulations on winning the election in whatever country you're in

Letterman made his apology to Sarah Palin and her daughters earlier in the show, but he isn't letting up on the ugly Leftist slant to his "comedy."

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