Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Obama and FOX News

Obama's skin is very thin.

Overwhelmingly, broadcast and cable news networks and print news outlets are slobbering all over him and they show no signs of letting up.

He also has the entertainment industry wrapped around his finger.

But that's enough for Obama.

In a recent interview, he notes that media coverage of his presidency hasn't been all that favorable.


From NewsBusters:

In an interview on CNBC's June 16 "Closing Bell" with the network Washington correspondent John Harwood, Obama reflected on the media coverage he has received to date. Harwood asked the president to respond to the claim that lack of media criticism has allowed him to "hurt" the country.

"When you and I spoke in January, you said, I observed that you haven't gotten much bad press," Harwood said. "You said, ‘It's coming.' Media critics would say not only has it not come, but that you've gotten such favorable press either because of bias or because you're good box office that it's hurting the country because you're not sufficiently being held accountable for your policies. Assess that."

Obama dismissed that assertion and claimed one station was devoted to "attacking" the Obama administration:

"It's very hard for me to swallow that one," Obama said. "First of all, I've got one television station that is entirely devoted to attacking my administration," he added, chuckling.

"I assume you're talking about Fox," Harwood replied.

"Well, that's a pretty big megaphone and you'd be hard-pressed if you watched the entire day to find a positive story about me on that front," Obama said.

What a whiner!

Does Obama watch FOX?

In discussions on the cable channel, Obama critics are balanced with Obama supporters.

Watch an hour and you would not be hard-pressed to find positive things being said about Obama.

Good grief!

Compare Obama's coverage with past presidents.

President George W. Bush had so little positive coverage from the vast majority of the media in the country. They were openly hostile to his administration and actively sought to undermine his authority.

And Obama is upset about FOX's "big megaphone"?

He's got to be kidding.

What is Obama's problem?

Probably inexperience.

Hopefully, he'll grow out of it.


Lindsay said...

It's okay he's decided to take over ABC, and every other news network fawns over him, especially CBS (not that anyone watches).

He knows he has little critism compared to Presidents in the past and so he can only comment on Fox. It's an easy target.

Mary said...

Obama looks very small by criticizing FOX.

I think he keeps doing it to appeal to his fringe Leftist base.

Anonymous said...

Could he even be more petty?

Obviously the Putz in Chief doesn't watch Fox. Every day they have tons of people on their network carrying his water.

In Obama's case, ignorance really is bliss. Throw in a little paranoia and a major amount of narcissism, and we've got a real winner for President.

Unknown said...

If you watch Hannity, Beck and O'Reilly. He is absolutely correct. Finding them singing his praises is a tough call.

Which is really beside the point. Are they voicing actual dissent or are they just playing the contradiction game?

If you oppose Obama, watch out!

Mary said...

I disagree.

I don't know about Beck, but O'Reilly and Hannity have guests with opposing views, supporters of Obama, all the time.

Unlike ABC and the other Obama hacks, FOX doesn't refuse to air the opposition's views.

Mary said...

"Every day they have tons of people on their network carrying his water."

That's right.