Thursday, June 4, 2009

Obama: Green Bay Listening Session, June 11

UPDATE, June 8, 2009: Ticket information -- Details here.

UPDATE, June 7, 2009: The White House has not released details about his plans.

I don't think Obama likes Washington. He always seems to be looking for some reason to get out of town and take a flight on his 747.

Next Thursday, Obama's destination is Green Bay.

From the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel:

President Barack Obama is expected to participate in a listening session during his visit to Green Bay next week, according to Rep. Steve Kagen, who represents the area in the U.S. House.

"He's already identified three topics that are the focus of his first year in office: health care, the education of our children, and energy," said Kagen, who anticipates that Obama will touch on those subjects during his visit. "Those three problems we're facing are wrapped up together with our current economic problems."

Kagen, an Appleton Democrat, said he had no further details about Obama's June 11 trip or his reason for choosing to visit Wisconsin. It will be Obama's first visit to the state since he took office.

"I would think he's coming to the heartland of America to listen to our concerns," he said. "I'm very pleased to welcome him to our neck of the woods."

Gee, it's 2009. We do have other ways to communicate.

I think Obama can listen to our concerns without burning through all that jet fuel.

How about a teleconference?

...Wisconsin Gov. Jim Doyle, who was in Washington Wednesday for a White House event, declined to provide any further details about Obama's visit but said he didn't think that it had to do with politics.

Oh, come on. That is just stupid. What a ridiculous assertion!

If Doyle sincerely thinks Obama's visit has nothing to do with politics, he is frighteningly clueless.

Doyle is clueless or a liar. Both is another option.

Doyle said Obama has spent a lot of time in Wisconsin in the past, even before he was running for president, and enjoys getting out of the White House as much as possible. "He really wants to get out and hear from people about a lot of things," he said.

It costs taxpayer funds for Obama to get of the White House. I don't care if he enjoys it. This trip isn't necessary.

Obama is showing no concern for the environment. He doesn't walk the walk.

Doyle claims that Obama wants to "hear from people about a lot of things."

Doyle sounds like he's in 2nd grade. But I digress.

Obama isn't coming to Green Bay to listen. He's not going to get any new ideas or change his positions or learn anything. Nothing Obama hears will alter his plans for the country. Nothing.

This is not about listening. Obama is campaigning and we're paying for it.


krshorewood said...

Wow, how picky and bitter.

This is a President who does like to get out and meet people, because he knows he has to.

What in the world would give you the impression he doesn't listen to people? Certainly he has the ability to get up in front of a group, unscripted, and be coherent.

I might be wrong but I'll bet you loved the last guy, who had none of those skills.

Laura said...

Just wanted you to know that I read your blog each and every day! I love what you write and have become much more informed because of it. Thanks so much for all the quotes and information on here also. Keep up the good work, because I am here reading EVERYTHING you write! :)

Todd Lohenry said...

ROTLFMAO. What a lying sack of doo doos!!!

Mary said...


I think you're confusing acknowledging reality with being "picky and bitter."


Thanks so much! I really appreciate it.


Doyle's remarks are hilarious. Unfortunately, the joke is on us. Doyle is our governor. He gets the lasts laugh.

Connie said...

If Obama were interested in hearing the people he wouldn't be so secretive about this event.

I can not get any details on where or when this will take place from the Democrat party. Supposedly I am on a list should they find out how one can get tickets.

There are no tickets available because this will be filled random locals, but instead hand picked flunkies reading prewritten questions. They are not releasing where or when because they want to minimize the ability of citizens from showing up outside or along the route making their opinions heard.

Mary said...

I agree, Connie.

I keep trying to find information on the event.

I'm not finding anything.

Unknown said...

The ReCALL Doyle team is organizing a RECALL DOYLE protest at this Green Bay event.

Everybody who doesn't want businesses, jobs, and people to be forced to move out of Wisconsin for ADDITIONAL budget spending and huge ADDITIONAL taxation and fees for all sorts of things, IS WELCOME to support the cause on Thursday.

Please e-mail Sue at to let her know that you are coming. Perhaps you could bring a car load of supporters?

Also, please be sure to see and SIGNUP as a Volunteer and/or a petition signer for the Recall of Gov. Doyle.

Mr Kennedy said...

George W. Bush used the most vacation time of any president in this country's history. At least Obama's travels are related to affairs of the nation and not clearing brush at a ranch in Texas. Your blog post shows an idiotic and narrow minded view typical of conservatives who are still sour about their defeat last November.

Mary said...

With all due respect, mr. kennedy, you don't know what you're talking about.

G.Hopkins said...

With all due respect mary, you're idiotic views are rotting my brain. Doyle is an idiot. And yes, the gentleman above you was actually 100% accurate. Geroge Bush did take more vacation days than any other U.S. President and he probably messed up the country worse than any other president ever has during their elected time. It tickles me how sour you still are. You are probably the type of person who believed Sarah Palin was a better person to run the country. HA! Hopefully you are not very old, because even a middle-aged person may never see another Republican President elected in their lifetime after your party gave us a domestic terrorist as a leader. This blog post is worthy of a good water boarding Ma'am.

Mary said...

With all due respect, g. hopkins, that's unnecessarily harsh. Think about it.