Thursday, June 4, 2009

Obama's Cairo Speech

The Washington Post asks the question: Obama in Cairo: Sellout or Outreach?

I think it was both.

Unfortunately, Obama seems incapable of reaching out without bashing the United States.

I don't think his criticism of the U.S. will win over the heart and minds of the Muslim world. I think many of Obama's statements serve to offer support and legitimize their anger.

The New York Times highlights that Obama's address called for a "new start." Obama, of course, is the embodiment of that newness.

Naturally, the Left finds nothing wrong with Obama's approach, taking swipes at the Bush administration and the U.S. military, finding moral equivalency where there is none.

Obama is willing, actually eager, to blame America. I think that's dangerous.

It's wrong for Obama to hand over ammunition to terrorists and provide justification for terrorist acts.


Text of Obama's speech

Video of Obama's speech


Anonymous said...

Now that Obama has also taken over the roll of Secretary of State, what the hell has he done with HIllary Clinton?

Mary said...

Good question.