Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The Purpose of Doyle's Tobacco Tax

We know that Wisconsin Gov. Jim Doyle loves to tax things. There's no confusion about that.

However, when it comes to the tobacco tax, Doyle is conflicted as to why he wants the hike.

His reasons for the tobacco tax increase fluctuate.

Last weekend, Doyle claimed public health was motivating him to raise the tax on tobacco.

From WISN:

"All of my career, I have been fighting big tobacco, and the purpose here is to stop kids from smoking, to help people quit, to improve public health and to drive down our state's health care costs," Doyle said.

So now the tax is Doyle's way of looking out for the health of Wisconsinites.

That wasn't the reason he gave for increasing the tobacco tax back in February.

From the Lacrosse Tribune:

While Gov. Jim Doyle’s plan to solve the state’s $5.7 billion budget shortfall in large part thanks to $1.4 billion in tax hikes, he avoided the dreaded general sales and income tax increase that affects everyone.

Smokers would see a hefty tax increase, and the places where they could light up would be dramatically reduced. … Under Doyle’s proposal, the state cigarette tax would increase to $2.52 a pack, causing Wisconsin to jump from the 15th highest state tax to the third behind only New York ($2.75) and New Jersey ($2.58). Wisconsin’s total tax, combined with the federal tax that goes to $1.01 on April 1, would be $3.53.

What's the purpose of Doyle's tobacco tax increase? Is it about health? Is is about getting people to quit or never start smoking? Is it about addressing the budget shortfall?

If Doyle wants the high tobacco tax to be an incentive to persuade people from using tobacco products, then why would he look to the tax as a way to address the budget shortfall?

Doyle doesn't make sense.

If the tobacco tax produces Doyle's alleged desired result, eliminating tobacco use, then some other product or behavior will have to be tapped for taxation.

I don't smoke, but I care about this exorbitant tax and Doyle's lame excuses. Today it's tobacco, but tomorrow it will be something else.

The fact is Doyle is doing exactly what Wisconsin's liberal Democrats love to do -- picking the pockets of hardworking Wisconsinites, confiscating a greater share of their earnings.

Doyle is embarrassingly inconsistent about his reasons for the tobacco tax.

Health. Budget shortfall. Whatever.

I wish Doyle would be honest.

Doyle believes the government is entitled to take a greater and greater share of what people earn. He believes in big government and big government can't exist without more of YOUR money.

You'll find no conflict there.

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