Friday, June 12, 2009

Top Ten Facts about Dems' Health Care "Reform"

Top 10 Facts About House Democrats' Health Care "Reform" Legislation

House Democrats have begun rolling out their long-awaited health care “reform” legislation, and it turns out there’s not much “reform” to it after all. Instead, it would increase taxes, raise health care costs, ration care, and leave key medical decisions to government bureaucrats, rather than patients and their doctors – a proposal that House Republican Leader John Boehner (R-OH) warned in an op-ed published on could cause more than 100 million Americans to “be forced out of their current health care plan and onto the government rolls.” With a debate on health care reform slated to begin in Congress, here are the top 10 facts about the House Democrats’ health care proposal:

1. A Government Takeover of Health Care. The House Democrats’ plan will create a new government-run program, will make health care more expensive, limit treatments and ration care, and put bureaucrats in charge of medical decisions rather than patients and doctors. Translation: higher costs, lower quality, and fewer choices for patients.

2. Forcing More than 100 Million Out of their Health Care. The House Democrats’ plan will force more than 100 million Americans out of their current health care plan and onto the government rolls. A Lewin Group study confirms that under a new government-run health plan millions will lose their current health care coverage.

3. Rationing Health Care Treatments. The House Democrats’ plan establishes an “advisory committee” that will put bureaucrats and politicians in charge of deciding patient treatments and cures. Translation: The government will make health care treatment decisions rather than doctors and patients.

4. A New Mandate on Individuals. The House Democrats’ plan mandates that every American buy health insurance or pay a hefty tax to Washington. This would force more Americans into government-run system that will make health care more expensive, ration care, and put bureaucrats in charge of medical decisions.

5. A New Mandate on Employers. The House Democrats’ plan would impose employer mandates and cost jobs by requiring some employers – especially small businesses – to pay a new tax to Washington. The plan would also slap employers that are unable to offer coverage the government deems adequate with another new tax to Washington. These two new taxes will make it more difficult than ever for small business owners to reinvest in their businesses and create and retain good paying jobs.

6. Harming Small Businesses. The House Democrats’ plan doesn’t yet define “small businesses,” which is troubling news for millions of Americans who depend on these engines of economic growth. One Democratic draft plan revealed to date only provides assistance to ease employer mandates for small businesses with an average of 27 or fewer employees. This leaves a huge number of small businesses to deal with the onerous and expensive mandates of the Democrats’ government defined health benefit plan (“small businesses” are traditionally defined as employing less than 500 people).

7. Expanding Entitlements. The House Democrats’ plan expands the Medicare and Medicaid programs without reform, ignoring the pending insolvency of programs that millions of seniors and families rely upon. These policies will result in benefit cuts and premium increases for many Americans who depend on these programs.

8. Unfunded Mandates on States. The House Democrats’ plan creates new unfunded mandates for already cash-strapped states by expanding Medicaid, forcing both the federal government and states to pay more to finance this entitlement expansion. This will leave states no choice but to raise taxes or reduce services for citizens of those states.

9. How Many Taxes Will Democrats Raise? The House Democrats’ plan expands benefits and includes massive new subsidies and government-dictated benefits, but it doesn’t identify any significant savings to help pay for the new scheme, nor does it acknowledge the massive new costs it will impose on individuals, employers, and states. In the past, Democrats promised a series of new tax hikes to pay for their plan. How many will there be? When do Democrats plan to reveal them?

10. Shifts Massive New Costs onto Taxpayers. The House Democrats’ plan represents a bait-and-switch that will make health care more expensive and hit the middle class particularly hard with higher taxes, rationed care, and new health costs. As millions of middle-class families are struggling to make ends meet while making responsible choices, this plan forces those that make responsible decisions to foot the bill for those who don’t.


Anonymous said...

10 facts of inaccuracy. maybe someone at should hire a researcher.

Unknown said...

Thats it? You claim all 10 are innacurate and offer nothing more then your saying so?

The government isnt taking over?

No one will be forced out?

Rationing cannot happen?

There will be no mandates?

Small business will be unharmed?

Entitlements will shrink?

There will be no unfunded mandates?

There will be a lowering of taxes?

None of the costs will be on the taxpayers?

Looks like you wasted 79 keystrokes...

Anonymous said...

I think you need to look up "facts" in the dictionary so you can distinguish them from things like "questions" and "predictions."

Anonymous said...

I think you 'facts' are a bit dubious. Sounds like great Fox News talking points.

Mary said...

Did you click on the link I provided?

John said...

Those are very good facts, but I've read the entire bill(s) and have a webpage that supports Freedom Eden with the links and data:

You can make all the counter-claims you want, but this is a government takeover, and look at Obama's videos -- he's very clear that he wants a single payer system even though CBO and others say it will do little to help but cost the US over a TRILLION dollars!

Again, don't just listen to claims or argue; READ THE BILL and *provide data* if you want to disagree. Otherwise you're just flappin' your gums! LOL

Unknown said...

Your "Facts" are backed up by The Lewin Group. The Lewin Group is a lobbying firm funded by the heath care industry. You'll have to do better than that. I was born at night, I wasn't born last night.

Mary said...

Where do you get your "facts"?

Eleanor said...

Government taking over--

No, private insurance will not be outlawed; there is no government takeover.

No one currently insured will be forced out of insurability or insurance due to reform.

Rationing is in place now. Denials for preexisting conditions, annual and lifetime caps, refusing to insure people 48-64 or pregnant, denials for referrals, long waits for referrals are all rationing. These types of rationing are eliminated with reform.

There is no mandate for a single-payer system.

Small business will be unharmed. Small business will be greatly helped because of the insurance exchange and Public Option, which will help them by reducing money spent on health insurance and help them compete with bigger businesses.

Entitlements will definitely shrink. People currently on Medicaid can't find jobs that will give them healthcare. Reform will help a lot of welfare/Medicaid people by giving them health insurance when they get a job. This helps small business, too.

There had better NOT be any unfunded mandates; that would cause reform to fail.

There will be a lowering of taxes for those making under $250,000. There will be an increase of taxes for those making over $250,000.

All of the costs will be on the taxpayers; all government costs are always on the taxpayers. Fortunately in this case, the benefits are for the taxpayers, too.

Looks like you simply turned the items into questions; hope this helped.

Mary said...

Obviously, Americans in increasing numbers are educated on the health care issue.

They know better than to swallow the Dem talking points.

tlp04 said...

Wow, and where are all of your facts? These are simply opinion. There are no exerts to show where your "facts" come from. I am looking for a clear and honest debate and all we get are more opinions without the facts there to back them up.