Monday, July 13, 2009

Letterman: Top Ten Dick Cheney Excuses

David Letterman set up Monday night's Top Ten list with this explanation:

It is being reported that the CIA broke the law when it withheld information from Congress about a secret counterterrorism program on orders from Vice President Dick Cheney.

As I understand it, and what I know about this is not much, Dick Cheney calls the CIA and he says, 'Hey boys, you see anything funny, let me know about it.'

And then he would personally go out and take care of it. That's the way it was supposed to work.

And as I understand it, again, completely illegal; went on for eight years.

10. Was going to make it public, but then I remembered I'm an evil bastard

9. It was so secret I didn't even tell myself about it

8. Uh oh, chest pains -- Gotta go!"

7. Wasn't me -- I was judging a water ski exhibition in Orlando

6. Hellooo -- Everything I do is illegal

5. Spy program? I thought it was a pie program

4. No habla inglés

3. I can't willfully violate the Constitution and the rights of every American citizen -- What is this, Russia?

2. Dude, bros before hos

1. If I announced every evil thing I did, I wouldn't have time to shoot old guys in the face

Letterman is not the funny, innovative, creative comedian and clever talk show host that he once was.

He's morphed into Bill Maher. Maher used to be funny, but then he became a bitter, vile man. Making people laugh was no longer his priority. His political agenda came first.

Letterman has followed that same path.

Like Maher, I think Letterman enjoys getting under people's skin. Controversy has become his shtick.

I don't know why Letterman and his flunkies have decided to reject the business of being funny and instead have chosen to wallow in ugly attacks on their political enemies.

It's as if Letterman's sense of humor has dried up and now he has nothing left to offer but crap.

It's too bad Letterman has decided to offend half the country rather than entertain everyone.


August Danowski said...

Letterman hasn't been funny for a long time.

But what's really too bad is the right wing's blatent and inexcusable hypocrisy: They were perfectly happy to spend several years and tens of millions of tax payer dollars to investigate President and Hillary Clinton's involvement in a shady real estate deal from the 1980s, eventually impeaching the President of the United States because he lied about an extramarital affair. But the mere suggestion that anyone in the Bush administration did anything wrong is to "wallow in ugly political attacks"?

How is it that denying sexual relations with a consenting adult is a high crime or misdemeanor, but detaining a US citizen without trial or charge (in violation of several provisions of the constitution), ordering the torture of prisoners (in violation of international treaties and federal law), wiretapping US citizens without a warrant (in violation of the constitution and federal law), revealing the identity of a CIA operative (in violation of federal law), destroying White House communications (in violation of federal law) or lying to congress are all perfectly acceptable things for a Republican president to do?

Concern that the President or Vice President committed felonies punishable by prison and hefty fines is not a "political attack." It is called respecting and enforcing the rule of law - and Bush and Cheney should not be above law, no matter how much you want them to be.

Mary said...

10. Was going to make it public, but then I remembered I'm an evil bastard

6. Hellooo -- Everything I do is illegal

1. If I announced every evil thing I did, I wouldn't have time to shoot old guys in the face

It's an understatement to say that Letterman and other Leftist hacks have literally demonized Cheney. That's ugly and not funny, in my opinion.

And another thing, you write:

"Bush and Cheney should not be above law, no matter how much you want them to be."


I don't want Bush or Cheney to be.

Why would I?

That's a weird shot.

Anonymous said...

The NYT lied. Again. Case closed.

Mary said...

It's a diversionary tactic to take attention away from Pelosi, and unemployment, and the failed stimulus bill, etc.

August Danowski said...

If you don't want them to be above the law, and there is evidence that they broke the law then you should support an investigation into any potential illegal activity. But you don't support it - instead you accuse liberals of "demonizing" Cheney. As an American, I am outraged by having an elected official violate the Constitution, and I want to know the truth and I want justice served. Why don't you?

Again (as usual) you duck the question raised in my original post - how can conservatives justify the time and expense of investigating Bill Clinton's love life while overlooking Bush and Cheney's gutting of the Constitution and trampling on the rights of US Citizens?

Mary said...

May I speak frankly, August26?

Thank you.

I find it rather annoying when you come up with thoughts and statements and then assign them to me. As I said in my comment above, you take such weird shots at me, baseless shots.

My post is about Letterman and his flunkies, what Letterman and his show have become and their utter ugliness.

I do not address the substance of the Leftists' accusations against Cheney, such that it is.

Nonetheless, you accuse me of ducking your question. I'm not ducking. You are choosing to drift off topic and then demanding that I follow, slamming me if I don't.

Letterman called the former Vice President an "evil bastard." He said EVERYTHING Cheney does is illegal. I'm talking about the disgrace that Letterman is.

This post isn't a discussion of the way the Bush administration operated compared to how Obama is "gutting" the Constitution, the Bush policies he has kept in place, and his broken promises about transparency.