Sunday, August 23, 2009

Garofalo: 'Functionally Retarded Adults' and 'Racists'

Janeane Garofalo spews absolutely vile stuff.

Jeff Poor writes:

In an appearance at the 9:30 Club in Washington, D.C. on Aug. 21, Garofalo ripped into tea party protesters, or what some of the wizards of smart on the left have deemed "tea baggers" calling them "functionally retarded adults" and "racists."

"Do you remember tea baggers?" Garofalo said. "It was just so much easier when we could just call them racists. I just don't know why we can't call them racists, or functionally retarded adults."

..."The functionally retarded adults, the racists - with their cries of, ‘I want my country back,'" she said. "You know what they're really saying is, ‘I want my white guy back.' They apparently had no problem at all for the last eight years of habeas corpus being suspended, the Constitution being [expletive] on, illegal surveillance, lied to on a war or two, two stolen elections - yes, the John Kerry one was stolen too. That's not tin-foil hat time. That's just..."

...And throughout Garofalo's stand-up routine, she reiterated her belief that the outrage over President Barack Obama's and the Democratic-controlled Congress' branded of domestic policy is veiled racism.

"This is neuroscience," Garofalo continued. "This is not politics, this is neuroscience. It is purely limbic brain activity - this emotion over being angry that there's a black guy in office, with the people showing up armed to the health care meetings - to whatever, the town halls. But it's just, and these tea baggers. It makes me soul sick."

With all due respect, what a loon!

Garofalo is being unbelievably offensive.

"Functionally retarded adults"?


Can she really be so blind that she thinks opposition to ObamaCare is actually a manifestation of pent-up anger over a biracial man being the U.S. president?

"I want my white guy back"?

She can't mean that. It must just be a pathetic way ro get attention.

Maybe she really does mean it. Maybe Garofalo has the nerve to say what many on the Left are thinking and would like to say.

If she thinks that it's legitimate to call Americans voicing dissent "functionally retarded" and "racists," she's terribly misguided.



Anonymous said...

I can see her frustration. A lot of the dissent is misguided and there is so much misinformation out there that people just eat up without thinking. And there unfortunately is a portion of this country that is racist. Be honest.

She is saying put loud what a lot of people are thinking and discussing. And she is an entertainer so not surprising she is going to shout it and make it spicy.

Calling her a loon puts you right in line with what she has said.

Mary said...

Calling Garofalo a loon for referring to protesters as "functionally retarded adults" and "racists" in no way puts me in her league.

Instead of loony, if you prefer, I can say her comments are hateful, rabid, disgraceful, and demeaning.

She, like Obama, mocks the mentally challenged. She assigns racism to undeserving individuals.

You think that's equivalent to calling her loony?

I was being very charitable.