Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Conan O'Brien: Obama 4 Second Health Care Plan

Have you seen the four minute video "detailing" Obama's health care overhaul?

Watch it here.

It contains some of the same deceptions that he's been so desperately trying to sell Americans.

I think the four second version is more clear and more honest.

CONAN O'BRIEN: The White House just released a four minute video, a four minute video that they claim explains everything you need to know about the new Obama health plan. OK? And a lot of people are talking about it. It's four minutes long. I've heard that for people who are really busy, the White House just released a four second video that explains Obama's plan. That's right. Take a look.

ANNOUNCER: And now Obama's plan in four seconds...

OBAMA: (Clips of Obama spliced together) Stop whining about health care, you jackass.

ANNOUNCER: That was Obama's plan in four seconds.

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