Monday, September 7, 2009

David Sirota: Van Jones and Glenn Beck - Racism, Political Terrorism

On CNN's American Morning, David Sirota and David Frum debated controversial Van Jones' resignation as an Obama adviser.

Sirota claims that Jones was the victim of a smear campaign and he was targeted because he's black.

Repeatedly in the segment, moderated by John Roberts, Sirota called Glenn Beck and others like him "political terrorists" and engaging in "political terrorism."

Video, from Breitbart:

DAVID SIROTA: Well, look, Van Jones is a national hero for his work on green jobs. He's known as an expert on energy policy, on economic policy. He's somebody who made a mistake, who acknowledged that he made a mistake a long time ago, and he was tossed out by this White House. And I think what we can learn from what happened is what this White House values and what this White House doesn't value.

The White House stuck by Tim Geithner as Tim Geithner was involved, the treasury secretary, in a tax scandal. He's accepted gifts from the banking industry. The White House stood by him. The White House has stood by other people, like Ben Bernanke who's had a, who's really been at the heart of our economic problems. And they're putting, basically putting Van Jones out to pasture because of something that Van Jones said was a mistake.

And what I think is going on here is that the White House is listening to the Right-wing's political terrorists, people like Glenn Beck, people like conservative activists, who have targeted Van Jones because Van Jones was an African-American, is an African-American, with progressive movement background working on behalf of social justice. That's something unfortunately that is apparently, according to the Right-wing, not allowed in this country.

What a load!

It's truly despicable that Leftists like Sirota keep whipping out the race card. Calling Beck and conservative bloggers like Gateway Pundit "political terrorists" for exposing the truth about Jones is equally offensive.

Actually, Sirota is charging the Obama White House with racism.

Enough with all the racism charges!

The Jones controversy has absolutely nothing to do with race.

This notion that Jones made a mistake and that he didn't understand the 9/11 truther petition is a joke.

Speaking the truth, exposing Jones' own words and actions, is not terrorism of any sort.

SIROTA: I think what the White House has done is said to a Right-wing lynch mob that they will accept their demands, their politically, their political terrorism. And what you're going to see is this White House... you cannot appease political terrorists. You cannot appease a Right-wing lynch mob. And so the next time, the next target of this lynch mob, I think, you know, you're not going to be able to appease them. I think the White House is on the retreat, and it's really been a political mistake as much as anything.

It's nauseating to listen to a Leftist complain about APPEASING terrorists, absolutely nauseating.


Ryan Biddulph said...


Jones' resignation is the result of the people having spoken. Beck did flan the flames but it's the voice the people which causes it to happen.

Jones took the hit for the admin.


Anonymous said...

Does anyone remember when the word "terrorist" referred to a person who blew up buildings? I guess "terrorist" has become the new "fascist": a word that no longer retains its original meaning!

Thanks a lot liberal hippie douches: You destroyed another word!