Friday, September 25, 2009

Ed Schultz: Republicans Want to See You Dead

We keep hearing the Democrats and the mouthpieces in the lib media complain about the poison coming from the Right.

They act as if they are beyond reproach.

What hypocrites!

Ed Schultz provides a perfect example of the ugliness that permeates the Left.

From Radio Equalizer:


ED SCHULTZ: Hold it right there! The Republicans lie! They want to see you dead. They'd rather make money off your dead corpse. They kind of like it when that woman has cancer and they don't have anything for her.

Good grief.

This is really sick.

Why does MSNBC provide someone like Schultz with a forum to spew his hate?

Shouldn't Nancy Pelosi being tearing up about rhetoric like this? She gets upset when she hears this sort of language.

Oh, that's right. She doesn't, not when someone spouting the Leftist party line is speaking. Then it's acceptable.

Isn't Schultz inciting violence against Republicans? Isn't it irresponsible for him to be preaching such an inflammatory message?

Schultz needs to apologize and so does MSNBC.

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