Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Keith Olbermann - Glenn Beck Feud

I'm not a masochist. I don't watch MSNBC. Like most Americans, I don't watch Keith Olbermann.

However, I found this video posted on Breitbart.TV. It's very unpleasant to watch, but sometimes it's necessary to do what's painful. I think it's important to know what sort of misleading, dirty information the Left is feeding its faithful.

Apparently, Olbermann has changed his mind about asking his few followers to send him everything they can find about Glenn Beck.

Read his Daily Kos post soliciting that information here.

On Tuesday, Olbermann wrote another post on Daily Kos, this time basically saying, "Never mind."

Much of what Olbermann says at the end of the video is a repetition of what he wrote online. He yaps about opposition research and claims he does not want to go down that road.

Just because Fox and Beck have done this, do I want to? Do I want to, even for a moment, be Glenn Beck? I mean, I am risking at least three things he doesn't have: the respect of my peers, self-respect, and a conscience.

Is Olbermann suggesting that he has the respect of his peers, self-respect, and a conscience?

Has Olbermann completely lost touch with reality? Maybe he's just joking about being respected and having a conscience.

Anyway, the feuding, in this case with Glenn Beck, is a familiar Olbermann tactic. He wants viewers and thinks he can get them by riling up someone who actually has an audience.

Same old, same old.

What's particularly insidious about Olbermann's recent comments is the way he has latched on to charging millions of Americans with racism. That's serious stuff. That's not a ratings game.

I am sick of Olbermann-types insisting that disagreement with Obama's policies and holding Obama and his administration accountable is grounded in racism.

That's so ugly.

There is racism in our society. That's precisely why it's so wrong, so terribly irresponsible for Olbermann to be crying wolf like that.

NBC News has fallen so far so fast. It's a shell of what it once was.

1 comment:

Susan (rainy) said...

I think the real reason Olbermann withdrew his request was that Glenn Beck himself started to furnish him with all the dirt on Glenn Beck! I watched Beck today... he was going on and on about his alcoholic past and some of the bad things he did and how badly he treated people, what a terrible father he was, etc. Kinda took the wind out of Olbermann's request to his handful of viewers. And although Olbermann mentions Beck by name, Beck never says Olbermann's name.. loved that not so subtle diss.