Friday, September 4, 2009

Krauthammer: Van Jones Should Resign

UPDATE, September 6, 2009: Van Jones Resigns.

Why is someone like Van Jones advising the president of the Unites States?

Really, what's happening to our country?

How can someone like him hold a place in the president's administration? Even for a community organizer, extremist like Obama, aren't there limits?

Charles Krauthammer gives his opinion on the revelations that Van Jones, Obama's "green jobs" czar, is a truther.

BRET BAIER: Charles, what about Van Jones?

CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER: Well, I'm not terribly disturbed by the expletive he used about Republicans. I've said worse about the Democrats. Hell, I've said worse about Republicans. I've said worse about cousins of mine. Well, on one side of the family anyway.

And I'm not even disturbed that this guy's a communist. It's not the first time we've had a communist in the U.S. government. And anyway, with the death of communism, it's a kind of a pathetic intellectual anachronism to remain a communist.

However, the stuff that we learned this afternoon is devastating. Here is a man who signed on to a petition demanding several investigations of collaboration of the Bush administration with the worst massacre of Americans ever committed on American soil.

Now, that is beyond extremism and radicalism. That's psychotic paranoia. It's a malignant kind of politics. And you've got to ask yourself in the White House, if you didn't know he's a truther, then you've got to ask him to politely resign. And if you did, is that acceptable in the government of the United States?

I don't think Jones should have the opportunity to resign.

I think he should be fired.

Furthermore, those responsible for vetting the guy, doing whatever minimal checks it is they do on czars, should be given the axe.

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