Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Maxine Waters: Probe Birthers and Teabaggers

Maxine Waters is letting power go to her head.

Audio, from Breitbart.

From The Hill:

The media should investigate the racial views of conservative activists like the ones who descended on Washington last weekend, one liberal congresswoman said Wednesday.

Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) said that it's not enough for African-Americans to levy allegations of racism against the right-leaning protesters, and that the media must look into their views.

"I want those people talked to; I want them interviewed," Waters told the liberal Bill Press Radio show in a podcast. "I want journalists to be all over those rallies and the marches with the birthers and the teabaggers."

"What I'm looking for is the very people who carry the signs who are referring to the policies in very, very strange ways like 'Obamacare' and 'Barry Obamacare with Kennedy,'" she said. "What I've been interested in is hearing from those people that everybody's referring to -- everybody on the Mall, in the rally."

More race-baiting.

But now Waters is calling for investigations into the people who express dissent.

Why ISN'T Waters calling for investigations into the 9/11 truthers?

Did she call for investigations into radical anti-war groups?

Of course not.

Waters is trying to stir racial tensions that don't exist.

She's a disgrace.

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