Thursday, September 17, 2009

Michael Eric Dyson: "You Uppity N-Word"

HotAirPundit points out just how unhinged some on the Left are.

On the Today Show, Matt Lauer was talking Obama and Joe Wilson and racism with Michael Eric Dyson and Frank Luntz.

Luntz makes valid points, refuting this notion that racism is at the root of opposition to Obama's health care plan and his overall performance in office. He asserts that anger is directed at more than Obama. He says it's directed towards members of Congress, the Senate, the media, the unions -- "institutions we feel have failed us."

Contrast his reasoned remarks with what Dyson says.

He exposes himself to be a race-baiter with a dangerous agenda.



MATT LAUER: Michael, did you hear 'You lie, boy!' in that comment from Joe Wilson?

MICHAEL ERIC DYSON: That and a lot more. 'You uppity N-' and so on. Here's the point, Matt...

LAUER: You really heard that?

DYSON: Well, well, obviously I didn't physically hear that but the implications, the inference. You don't only deal with so-called empirically verifiable racism. You can point to a lynching or using an epithet. You look at the kind of atmosphere and attitude. Look at the opposition.

President Obama wants to speak to the American school children. What's more American that? People are keeping their kids at home because they fear he's going to use his bully pulpit to try to drive home a Democratic agenda.

The point is, Matt, when you look at the intense concentration on Mr. Obama, painting as a president with two eyes in a black box, calling him a Nazi, calling him a chimpanzee, calling him a monkey-- How much evidence do you need?

It amazes me that white Americans are incapable of acknowledging what is before our face. And the reality is that we have to deal with the racial animus that undergirds and underlies American public discourse and the resistance to Mr. Obama's administration.

Even the Leftist Lauer couldn't let Dyson's ridiculous, inflammatory comment go unchallenged.

With all due respect, Dyson sounds like a nut, talking about implications and inferences, imagining all sorts of sinister motives and racial hatred lurking around every corner.

Particularly funny is when he cites Obama being called a Nazi, a chimpanzee, and a monkey as evidence of racism.

President Bush was called those exact same things for years. The Left named President Bush "the smirking chimp." Was that a racial statement?

Dyson's comments don't hold water.

They would be laughable if they weren't so ugly and destructive.

The Left is absolutely unhinged and out of control-- Jimmy Carter, Maureen Dowd, Dyson, etc.

These racism accusations are insidious.

Racism is real, and so are wolves. It's a terrible miscalculation to cry wolf.

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Jill said...
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