Thursday, September 24, 2009

Netanyahu: Ahmadinejad and the UN

Benjamin Netanyahu ripped the United Nations for giving Mahmoud Ahmadinejad a platform.



BENJAMIN NETANYAHU: Yesterday, the man who calls the Holocaust a lie spoke from this podium. To those who refused to come and to those who left in protest, I commend you. You stood up for moral clarity and you brought honor to your countries. But to those who gave this Holocaust denier a hearing, I say on behalf of my people, the Jewish people, and decent people everywhere -- Have you no shame? Have you no decency?

I'm here six decades after the Holocaust. You give legitimacy to a man who denies the murder of six million Jews, while promising to wipe out the state of Israel, the state of the Jews. What a disgrace! What a mockery of the Charter of the United Nations!

Now perhaps, perhaps some of you think that this man and his odious regime, perhaps they threaten only the Jews. Well, if you think that, you're wrong. Dead wrong.

Netanyahu is absolutely right.

I hope Obama is listening. He needs a wake-up call. Yesterday at the UN, when Obama referred to the aftermath of the Six-Day War as the "occupation that began in 1967," it became clear that Obama is sorely lacking in his understanding of the region and the Arab-Israeli conflict.

I hope all the Jewish Americans who voted for Obama are paying attention. Many need a wake-up call as well when it comes to their support of Obama.

Netanyahu's speech was truly a dramatic moment.

UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) -- Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu brandished at the U.N. on Thursday Nazi-era documents on the extermination of Jews, dramatically rebutting Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's denial of the Holocaust.

...Netanyahu held aloft two documents -- a copy of the minutes of the Wansee Conference, in which Nazi officials planned the Final Solution that led to the killing of six million Jews and the original blueprints of the Auschwitz-Birkenau death camps.

He received the blueprints, discovered last year, during a visit to Germany in August.

"They contain a signature by Heinrich Himmler, Hitler's deputy himself. Are these plans of the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp where one million Jews were murdered ... a lie, too?

"And what of the survivors whose arms still bear the tattooed numbers branded on them by the Nazis? Are those tattoos a lie, too?" he asked.

In his speech on Wednesday, Ahmadinejad accused Israel of "inhuman policies" in the Palestinian territories and suggested that Jews dominated world political and economic affairs.

Netanyahu called the Iranian leader's remarks a "systematic assault on the truth" and accused him of "spewing ... anti-Semitic remarks."

Obama said in his UN address, "No world order that elevates one nation or group of people over another will succeed."

I certainly hope Obama is wrong.

Ahmadinejad and his regime must be defeated. Period.

Global citizen and appeaser Obama doesn't get it.

1 comment:

Reaganite Independent said...

Since the Israelis are the target of an Iranian extermination plan, they cannot afford the luxury of a Pollyana, cafe-debate world view like Barack thinks is so modern and "cool".

Israel can go-it-alone if she has to... the IDF probably has the military capacity already to not only bomb Iran, but win the wider Middle East war that is likely to result.

Unlike vs. Hezbollah in 2006, the Israelis will fight this one to win, and win BIG... vs. Iran, Syria, Hezbollah, and the rump Hamas. The IDF will go ALL-out too, with infantry and armor from day one.

Team Obama would be well-advised to keep an eye on the horizon anytime they're visiting their new pals in Tehran... for a formation of Israeli F-16's coming-in at Mach 2.

The Israelis did us all a huge favor in 1983, taking out Saddam's reactor in the face of world condemnation... and they'll they'll take care of business again. Unfortunately, Israel is used to such misguided and ignorant moralizing- same as they've dealt with for years.

As for Obama, polls show their populace has completely turned against him, they don't care what this smiley plastic mannequin has to say anymore... as he turns the US into an irrelevant, impotent bystander.

Sorry about him, Israel- most Americans still support you.