Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Sand Hill Elementary School Kids Praise Obama

Here's another video of school kids praising Obama, this one from Sand Hill Elementary School in Asheville, North Carolina:


Change has come
Change has come
Uniting blacks and whites
Being both, Obama cannot take sides
'Don't worry,' said Hope, 'I will be your bridge'
In time, Hope would be the bridge for others
Hope will last enough for you to make a difference
Change has come
Change has come
[...], fly free
Study, watch, learn
Keep your eyes open
Education is the key
Education is the secret
Education is the way
Education is the path
Can I make America better?
Can I make America better?
Can we make America better?
Yes! Yes we can!
Yes! Yes we can!

This is really strange:
Uniting blacks and whites
Being both, Obama cannot take sides

Oh, yes he can!