Bill Maher wants no part of the Swine Flu vaccine.
Maher's September 26 tweet:
If u get a swine flu shot ur an idiot.
On Maher's Real Time last Friday, even Lefty extremist guests like Chris Matthews and Alec Baldwin thought Maher was the nutjob for his stance and for wanting to continue talking about opposition to the H1N1 vaccine.
Video, from Big Hollywood and Mediaite.
Obviously, Maher believes that he is the health expert with all the answers. He thinks that vaccinations are not a "genius medical advancement." Instead, Maher claims that vaccines are "actually a risky medical procedure."
Maher tries to defend his position, insisting that he's not a nut.
Matthews and Baldwin don't really buy it.
Matthews asks, "So why you doin' all this? Why are you fighting this fight?"
Maher says we need to debate it. Maher replies, "This is not settled science, like Global Warming."
Matthews says, "You're like Tom Cruise saying, 'I don't believe in therapy'."
Baldwin adds, "Bill, you having us on the show and rehashing all these problems you got yourself into on your last show is like going on a date and talking about your ex-wife.... Let's talk about what's fresh."
Maher, embarrassed, said to Baldwin, "Maybe we can talk about some of your past problems."
Maher then said, "I just want to say I'm also not f---ing my interns."
Good grief.
Thankfully, this was the season finale of Real Time.
Last season ever would be a better status report.
"This is not settled science, like Global Warming."
Maher is the most fervently religious atheist with a platform to shout about it.
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