Thursday, October 15, 2009

Limbaugh and George Soros (Audio)

Rush Limbaugh began his radio program today explaining what really happened in the "Bid to buy the St. Louis Rams" saga.

Quite enlightening. There may be a George Soros connection.

Leftist thugs.

Audio clip of Limbaugh discussing the possible involvement of Soros.


RUSH LIMBAUGH: And by the way, I learned yesterday that George Soros might be in this group. Reuters had a story that George Soros is one of Dave Checketts' partners. I did not know that. I wasn't told that.

Uh, the... Mr. Checketts is not the primary partner here. The NFL has a rule that the primary owner has to have 30 percent equity in the team, and our group lost our 30 percent equity guy, and we had to scramble and find a new one. And I was told who it was but now I'm wondering if it was Soros and I wasn't told.

Soros and Checketts did, I have learned, partner together previously to try to buy the Los Angeles Dodgers.

So, and of course, Mr. Soros is well known politically for his Left-wing slants. His politics fits in perfectly apparently with what the National Football League is becoming. But I wonder if they know that he is also involved in a movement to legalize marijuana, and how that will play as the owners decide whether or not he's fit.

And this is all speculative because I don't know that he's in the group. Reuters reported it yesterday.

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