People around the world are questioning whether Obama deserves the Nobel Peace Prize.
I don't agree with the Committee's decision.
I predict that it won't take long for Obama supporters to say that those of us questioning the wisdom of awarding Obama the Nobel Peace Prize are racists.
Forget about making a rational assessment of Obama's accomplishments. Disagreement with the Committee's choice is really about the color of his skin. It must be rooted in racism.
I guess I just can't accept a black man being a Nobel Peace Prize Laureate.
I'm sure Jimmy Carter, Chris Matthews, Maureen Dowd, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Bill Maher, Janeane Garofalo, and other race-baiters would agree.
However, I do think Martin Luther King Jr. was completely deserving of the prize. That throws a wrench in the racism theory.
No matter. Some Leftists don't let a rational argument get in the way of a smear campaign.
Friday, October 9, 2009
Obama Nobel Peace Prize and Racism
Posted by
10/09/2009 07:31:00 AM
Labels: Al Sharpton, Barack Obama, Bill Maher, Chris Matthews, Jesse Jackson, Jimmy Carter, Leftists, Maureen Dowd, Nobel Peace Prize, Racism
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All you guys do is complain and bitch about Obama this and Obama that, what has he done to you that Bush didn't start, Hello wasn't Bush the one that started the war ? Or wasn't he the reason Gas went sky high, also he's the reason we lost our jobs and our houses are in foreclosure since Obama came in office I was able to afford school, and make something out of my self you people that talk all this nonsense about one's accomplishments are simply selfish ignorant morons who have nothing better to do but throw your tea partys and juice up prejudice if he had been a White man you would be happy and cheering but because he is black you are talking shit and spreading nothing but hate if you even dare claim to be a christian I cast your sorry asses to hell. Because of Obama your un-employed asses are able to log online and talk and spread this hate, I mean think about all the drama in florida with everything going on Republicans did this to our Country not Obama and if you believe everything the press says you are a stupid fuck, Wake up people wake the hell up.
And yes I'm proud to be BLACK
And Anthony, you just made the point quite clear...we KNEW that the race card would be pulled on us immediately...whatever.
Comments riddled with adhominem attacks and terms such as "stupid f---" violate the rules I've set for posting on my site.
If you wish, edit your comment and resubmit it. Otherwise, expect it to be deleted.
It's unfortunate that you don't express yourself in a civil manner because it's so easy to dismiss your opinion due to your attack language.
Good point, Jill.
I think what Anthony wrote qualifies as hate speech. He doesn't appear to be a man of peace, at least not in his interaction on the Internet.
All you guys do is complain about Bush this and Bush that...
Bush did lead a UN coalition into war with Saddam's mad man rule.
The reason Gas prices went sky high? Nope.
The reason you lost jobs and house is in foreclosure? Nope.
Being Grateful for a handout is one thing. That handout being borrowed from China or stolen from others. Quite another thing. Financial aid for ongoing education has been there for quite some time. If you truly want to go to school and make something of your self. there are wonderful organizations like The Ford Foundation and student loans.
Conservatives look at a persons deeds and character, not the color of his skin. Get over yourself.
I railed against the spending of GW Bush just as loudly as I have with Obama.
I must assume you are clueless about the toilet hole fiscally we are diving into?
Seeing your hate and intolerance it seems you found yourself in the correct democratic party.
I do concede that you are right about Obama letting more people be unemployed and online. He seems very content to stop any new jobs.
Republicans are NOT in power because of their poor representation of the people. Just as the Democrats are proving they are even MORE useless.
I hope you choose to clean up the vile language.
I suspect that the Nobel Peace prize was given to Obama to send a message... to whom and for what purpose, who knows
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