Sunday, October 11, 2009

SNL: Carville, Limbaugh -- Drug Addict, Mean, Fat

Rush Limbaugh was attacked repeatedly during the "Weekend Update" segment of Saturday Night Live. It was pretty brutal.

Bill Hader did a spot-on impersonation of James Carville. "Carville" commented on the negative reaction to Obama winning the Nobel Peace Prize. He slammed Republicans and conservatives and the Norwegians. Some of it was funny, but some "jokes" involving Limbaugh were really cruel and just untrue.


SETH MEYERS: What about Rush Limbaugh who claims that Obama sold out America to win the prize?

JAMES CARVILLE (Bill Hader): R-R-Rush Limbaugh, OK. Come on, Seth. How does a fella like that have fans? Hey, you want to listen to this drug addict? Don't worry, he mean and fat.

Come on. How you gonna call him 'Rush'? I mean that's a terrible name for a slow, fat man, Seth.

The only place he's rushin' to is Quiznos asking about free double meat and wavin' some coupon he made on a home computer. He should win the Nobel Piece of Pie. Piece of Pie... That's funny.

Now look, Seth, I mean, I can admit, I mean, I got the opposite problem. I'm too skinny. I'm all angles, Seth. I elbowed a, someone in a pick-up basketball game and sliced their stomach open.

MEYERS: The Democratic National Committee went so far as to compare Rush Limbaugh to the Taliban. Is that fair?

CARVILLE: Uh, no. Uh, fair? No, Seth, no. You can't call someone a terrorist when there are actual terrorists out there. I mean, that's like when people call actors geniuses. And you know there's real geniuses, right?

MEYERS: You have anything else you'd like to add, James?

CARVILLE: Oh, I'd just like to say to President Obama, 'Congratulations.' I mean, it seems like everyone else forgot to say that. I mean, the man won a Nobel Prize. I mean, that ain't his fault. I mean, when I'm playin' Monopoly and I win the beauty contest people don't yell, 'Hey, you can't win a beauty contest, Crypt Keeper. You ugly.'

The drug addict stuff is so offensive.

How many Hollywood libs and libs in the news media and athletes have dealt with drug and alcohol dependency?

When they go to rehab and address their problems, they're applauded as being courageous. There's a very disturbing double standard here. Does anyone continue to call Brett Favre a drug addict? Does anyone question why he has fans?

The weight thing is also offensive, as well as misplaced. Limbaugh has dropped over 80 pounds. He's not fat. (I wonder if CNN will be factchecking this SNL material.)

Keith Olbermann could be called mean and fat. Chris Matthews could be called mean and fat.

Limbaugh is really hated by people on the Left. They flat-out hate the guy. Rather than deal with matters of substance, they just hurl personal insults.

It's fair to crack jokes. It's fair to make fun of public figures. That's what SNL has been doing for 35 years.

What I really object to is the unfair treatment that Limbaugh received regarding his past drug addiction. Leftist comics show no mercy when it comes to that.

Later on in "Weekend Update," there was yet another Limbaugh drug joke.

MEYERS: It was announced that Rush Limbaugh will be a judge for the 2010 Miss America pageant. This is an early boost to Miss Connecticut who's talent is filling out illegal prescriptions.

Enough already.


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