Sunday, October 4, 2009

SNL: Obama Opening Skit (Video)

Saturday Night Live started the October 3 show with a shocker -- a skit highlighting some of Obama's broken promises.

Yes, Obama was the joke. He was dissed. Finally.


DON PARDO: The following is an address by the president of the United States.

OBAMA (Fred Armisen): Good evening and congratulations to Rio for getting the 2016 Olympics. And to the Olympic Committee I say, good luck with Rio. (Smirks)

Now, last year I was elected with a mandate to bring this country change we could believe in. And as time has passed, it has become clear that this promise is troubling to some people. There are those on the Right who are angry. They think that I'm turning this great country into something that resembles the Soviet Union or Nazi Germany, but that's just not the case. Because when you look at my record, it's very clear what I've done so far, and that is -- NOTHING. NADA. Almost one year and nothing to show for it.

You don't believe me? You think I'm making it up? Take a look at this checklist.

Now, on my first day in office, on my first day in office, I said I'd close Guantanamo Bay. Is it closed yet? No.

I said we'd be out of Iraq. Are we? Not the last time I checked.

I said I'd make improvements in the war in Afghanistan. Is it better? No, I think it's actually worse.

How about health care reform? Hell no.

I even, I even went personally to try and bring the Olympics to Chicago in 2016. It didn't work out, but in this case, there's some good news with the bad. For every person who buys an American car in the next six months, you're gonna get one of these.

Now I just don't see why the Right is so riled up. I mean, how do you think the Left feels? They're the ones that should be mad. Now, I'm sure they thought I would have addressed at least one of the following things by now:

Global Warming - No.

Immigration Reform - No.

Gays in the Military - Nuh-uh.

Limits on Executive Powers - Nope.

Torture Prosecutions - No.

So looking at this list, I'm seeing two big accomplishments: Jack and Squat.

And remember, I can do whatever I want. I have a majority in both houses of Congress. I could make it mandatory for all gays to marry, and require all cars to run on marijuana. But do I? No.

But it's not all bad news. I have a few accomplishments. The Cash for Clunkers program really stimulated the economy. Unfortunately, it was the economy of Japan.

Let's see what else... Also, I killed a fly on TV. Remember that? Uh, I brought a white police officer and a black professor together for a beer. Who else could do that? You're right -- Oprah, but no one else.

So, please stop saying this country is on the road to socialism. If that were actually the case, I'd be making some real changes. Instead, it took me four months to pick out a dog.

So, all of you frothing Glenn Beck supporters put away those tri-cornered hats and those photoshopped pictures of me as The Joker; because if I see anymore of this hateful rhetoric, I'm gonna have to take drastic action.

Nah, not really.

Thank you, and live from New York, it's Saturday Night.

Swipes are taken at some on the Right, the "frothing Glenn Beck supporters." For the most part though, this is a skit that hits Obama.

I wish it were true that Obama's two big accomplishments were Jack and Squat.

Unfortunately, he has done some things. Obama managed to get his disastrous stimulus bill passed and unemployment continues to rise. He gave radicals positions in his administration. He released terrorists. He took over GM and has royally screwed up the banking industry. He insulted Cambridge police officers, and officers all over the country. Obama has been divisive, playing the race card when he thinks it will benefit him politically. He scrapped plans for the missile defense shield to protect our allies, Poland and the Czech Republic. He lied again and again about his proposed health care overhaul. He raised taxes on the middle class. He chose not to offer the American people transparency, opting to withhold information.

There are many, but perhaps Obama's biggest "accomplishment" to date is his complete mishandling of Iran.

If only Obama had done Jack Squat.

At least SNL has come around and is making jokes at Obama's expense. Although long overdue, it's still a positive development.



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