Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Michele Bachmann: Health Care House Call

Michele Bachmann Calls on the American People to Bring the Town Hall to Washington

WHAT: Press Conference on Health Care Reform Vote

WHO: Congresswoman Michele Bachmann (MN)
Congressman Tom Price, MD (GA), Chairman RSC
Congressman Michael Burgess, MD (TX)
Congressman Scott Garrett (NJ)
Congressman Steve King (IA)

WHEN: Thursday, November 5, 2009
12:00 pm (noon)

WHERE: Capitol steps

Congresswoman Michele Bachmann released the following statement as the House of Representatives approaches a vote on the Democrats’ health care reform proposal:

“The American people spoke loud and clear at town hall meetings all across the country throughout August. But, it would appear that Congress didn’t hear a word they had to say. The Democrats’ latest health care proposal unveiled late last week may be packaged a little differently, but it’s the same old bad bill as before.

“This bill is a trillion-dollar, budget-busting, government takeover of our health care system. It will put bureaucrats between people and their health care. It will lead to rationed care, hurting the most vulnerable amongst us first. It will break the bank, leaving our children to pay the bill with diminished freedoms and dwindling prosperity.

“The American people need to stand up again and make sure that Congress hears them this time. Speaker Pelosi is putting her bill on fast track to a vote – and it remains to be seen if the House will even get a chance to vote on the commonsense Republican alternatives. The people need to make a House Call on Washington this week and tell their Representatives to vote no to a government take-over of one-fifth of our economy. This is gangster government at its worst.

“I urge all Americans to come to Washington this Thursday. Come and meet up with your Representative and tell them that you want to control your health care.”

Mark Levin - This is an official Levin Surge! Join me THIS Thursday on the Capitol Steps to stop the Democrat's health care reform bill.

In addition to Mark Levin, actor Jon Voight will also attend the gathering.

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