Tuesday, November 3, 2009

New Jersey Dems, Gangbangers, and the Election

Are New Jersey Democrats using gang members, criminals, to Get Out The Vote?

From Hot Air:

Too bad to check: NJ Dems sending gangbangers on GOTV efforts?

So says Election Journal, who gets it from two sources, albeit anonymous ones. One seems pretty solid; a police officer recognized gangbangers, who discovered him and threatened him after discovering where he lived. The on-camera source seems less specific but just as certain about the GOTV volunteers Democrats sent into her neighborhood:

As Ed Morrissey points out, Dems have used criminals in past elections.
It wouldn’t be the first time that we’ve seen criminals hired to represent Democratic GOTV efforts. In 2004, the Kerry campaign used an outfit called Americans Coming Together, who hired felons to do some door-knocking and some campaigning on doorsteps. This year, the Census Bureau botched its criminal background checks and hired hundreds of felons to do their data collection.

...If true, this demonstrates the steep hill Republicans have in dislodging an entrenched Democratic power base in New Jersey that has clearly become unresponsive to voters.

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