Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Obama: HBO Special, Election Results

NewsBusters reports:

During the 10AM ET hour of America’s Newsroom on Fox News Channel, fill-in co-host Martha Maccallum told viewers what President Obama watched on election night while Democrats suffered big losses in New Jersey and Virginia: “Robert Gibbs said, well, he was actually watching, you know, the HBO special about his year-long campaign and how it all went.”

On Tuesday night the White House had worked to downplay the Democratic gubernatorial defeats by claiming the President did not watch the election returns. Apparently Gibbs thought it would look better if the commander in chief was watching a self-indulgent fawning documentary about himself.

Oh, good grief.

This makes Obama look like a real loser.

Can you imagine the reaction if President George W. Bush opted to watch a fawning documentary about himself, one he had already viewed, instead of election returns?

He would have been slammed mercilessly by the lib media.

What's really hard to imagine is HBO running a fawning documentary about President Bush.

That never would have happened.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Forget socialist. Narcissist sounds like a better term. LOL!