Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Obama: 'Insulation is Sexy' (Video)

Joe Biden loves Home Depot.

He was at a Home Depot in Alexandria, Virginia this morning.

During the vice presidential debate, October 2, 2008, he said this:

JOE BIDEN: Look, all you have to do is go down Union Street with me in Wilmington or go to Katie's Restaurant or walk into Home Depot with me where I spend a lot of time...

So Biden expresses his fondness for Home Depot. He claims to "spend a lot of time" at the Wilmington location.

Now we learn that Obama gets aroused in the place.

Obama was speaking from an Alexandria, Virginia Home Depot touting the sexiness of insulation.

Who knew that one of Obama's turn-ons was insulation?

Oprah didn't get that out of him during her Christmas at the White House interview.

Personally, I find insulation to be itchy. Definitely not sexy, but that's just me.


OBAMA: I know the idea may not be very glamorous -- although I get really excited about it. We were at the roundtable and somebody said installation is not sexy. I disagree. (Laughter.) Frank, don't you think installation is sexy stuff? (Applause.) Here's what’s sexy about it: saving money. Think about it this way: If you haven't upgraded your home yet, it's not just heat or cool air that's escaping -- it's energy and money that you are wasting. If you saw $20 bills just sort of floating through the window up into the atmosphere, you'd try to figure out how you were going to keep that.


OBAMA: So this is a smart thing to do, and we've got to get beyond this point where we think that somehow being smart on energy is a job destroyer. It is a job creator. But it's going to require some imagination and some foresight, and it requires us to all work together. That's what this White House is committed to doing. I know that's what all of you are committed to doing.

We are going to generate so much business for you, Frank. We are going to generate so much work for you guys from LIUNA. We're going to create so much business -- so many business opportunities for contractors here that over the course of the next several years, people are going to see this I think as an extraordinary opportunity, and it's going to help America turn the corner when it comes to energy use.

I'm excited about it. I hope you are, too. See, I told, insulation is sexy.

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