Sunday, December 13, 2009

Wanda Sykes: Fox News and Racial Diversity

I forget that Wanda Sykes has a show on FOX on Saturday night.

If this is typical of the stuff she does, then I haven't been missing much.

Jeff Poor, NewsBusters, was watching The Wanda Sykes Show last night.

If what Poor describes is typical of the stuff Sykes does, then I haven't been missing much.

Poor writes:

On the Dec. 12 broadcast of "The Wanda Sykes Show," Sykes, made famous for her attacks on conservative talker Rush Limbaugh and former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin at last May's White House Correspondents Dinner, took a shot at the Fox News Channel for her perception that it lacks black correspondents (emphasis added).

"So I've been digging around here and I found some old footage of black reporters on Fox News - you know, back when they were allowed to be on that network," Sykes said. "Fascinating stuff - take a look at this one."

But if Sykes were a regular viewer of the Fox News Channel, she would have realized there are black personalities featured regularly in the network's news reporting, including White House correspondent Wendell Goler, "Strategy Room" anchor and Fox News Channel newscaster Harris Faulkner, Fox News religion correspondent Lauren Green and "Special Report" and "Fox News Sunday" regular Juan Williams.

Nonetheless, Sykes' comments were a lead-in for a seemingly sophomoric spoof from black newscaster meant to take place at the Hindenburg crash in 1937, making off-color analogies to provide a "Negro perspective."

Here's the transcript of the footage from "Negro International News."

Here's the video.

Not funny.

Sykes really comes off looking foolish when she states that the FOX News Channel lacks racial diversity.

The joke is on her.

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