Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Conan O'Brien: Monologue, January 12

Conan O'Brien's days at NBC are numbered.

That's settled, but the jokes are still coming.

It must be incredibly difficult to put together a show under these circumstances. It has to be so tough for O'Brien to perform. I suppose he finds some comfort in the response from his audience, the laughter and applause and support, but it still must be painful.

I think this is all going to come back to bite NBC in the long run.


CONAN O'BRIEN: (Extended applause, standing ovation) Please. Wow. I may not have that much time. You're using valuable time here.

(Applauds) Yay! And he's gone...
'Where'd he go?'
'I don't know. They took him away.'
'Yes, we took him away.'

Thank you for that. Hello, the name is Conan O'Brien, and I may soon be available for children's parties.

(Pretends to blow up a balloon and make a balloon animal)

I made a peacock!

Yeah. No, no, seriously, welcome to NBC where our new slogan is 'No longer just screwing up prime time.'

No, it's a crazy day, crazy day. I've been giving this whole situation... It's really been crazy here, Andy.

ANDY RICHTER: It's been the most fun I've ever had in a show biz scandal. Wow!

O'BRIEN: Yeah, it's fun. And I've been giving the situation a lot of thought. You know, this is a true story. When I was a little boy, I remember watching The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson and thinking, someday I'm gonna host that show for seven months. Yeah, I knew that was the perfect amount of time.

What else is going on? NBC says that they are planning to have the late night situation worked out before the Winter Olympics start. That's what they say, and trust me, when NBC says something, you can take that to the bank. Yeah, they're very good people.

A lot going on in the world... Senate majority leader Harry Reid is in the news. He's still under fire for remarks he made about President Obama's blackness. Been reading about that? Yeah, bad, yeah. Sources say Reid could face congressional censure or even worse, be promised The Tonight Show at 11:30. It's not good. I wouldn't wish that on anyone.

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